Chapter 32

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So Chapter 31 was set on private, I think it was because of the list. but make sure you read it! if you haven't, comment on here and I'll send you a link if you can't find it(:

And another thing, Wattpad is messing up with my comments. I've been replying to you guys, but none of the messages stay. they say they're sent, but as soon as I exit out of comments they're gone. So.. yeah, I hope that fixes soon.


Zayn's POV

Over this last week, Justin has been wonderful. Although, that's not enough to describe it fully. Justin has kissed me like I've never ever been kissed. The heat, the fire, everything read in novels, it's like it was happening to me.

He's lighthearted and funny, he's made me laugh to the point of my cheeks hurting.

He calls his mum every night, which makes me smile as I think about how close he is with his family.

I've learned that he still hasn't fully forgiven his father for leaving his mother and him. He's told me about the life he had growing up, and how he was never well off, and he grew up with his grandparents and mother. He looks up to his grandfather and says that he was the dad he never had.

His Uncle Daniel was the one that suggested Justin go to the corrective school in Toronto, to get away from the trouble he was involved in at his public school. Justin embraced what the school really was and now he's looking into becoming a student at Zamora Elite.

I've learned so much about him, and he asks me questions but I don't go into too many details. I haven't seen my parents and sisters since last Christmas. And our phone calls are always short when we do call.

Yesterday, we spent the last day of our weekend in bed. His wall mounted tv played whatever crime shows he had PVRed over the last week.

Mr. Turner brought us breakfast, I'm not completely used to the fact that my Dominant is his nephew, but everything just flows together so well, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Gideon and Jaime had stopped by for some cuddles throughout the day as well. Like Justin and I, Gideon never got out of his pajamas that day. It was a very lazy Sunday.

As more and more days were passing, I get a little more nervous thinking about when Justin will be expecting of me to be his submissive. So far, we have yet to do a scene. We've talked about our likes and dislikes and limits. Justin was very understanding and patient as I rattled off my dislikes. Though, they're not necessarily limits, I just haven't found interest in them yet, or they've been ruined for me.

"What's on your mind?" Justin comes up from behind me and kisses the back of my neck. I've also learned over the last week that he's very affectionate.

"Nothing." I tell him, continuing to peel the cucumber for the salad that was going to accompany our dinner tonight.

Justin hums near my ear and I feel the vibrations pulse down my neck and shoulder, "I've just watched you peel the same side of the cucumber for minutes now."

I blink to clear my vision and I look down and realize that I had only been peeling one side of the cucumber, and as I look at it, I see that I'm already at the middle of it. "Damn it." I mutter, and quickly peel the rest of it and I grab the knife to start slicing it.

"Do you think it's a good idea to use a knife with such a distracted mind?" Even though I can feel Justin's hands on my stomach and sides, I know he's persistent and he'll probably try to find out what's been going through my head.

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