Chapter 12

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After dinner was finished we went back into the living room to finish up the game of FIFA. Well, they finished up their game of FIFA. And then proceeded to play round after round of the football game.

Once Niall and Louis had finished they switched their controllers off to Liam and Zayn. Watching those two play was intriguing. Liam looked relaxed back into the corner of the couch and Zayn seemed content with kneeling on the floor at Liam's feet. Zayn didn't say a word the whole game even when he pulled off a victory.

Promptly after the screen announced his achievement he passed his joystick back over to Louis, letting Louis have a swing against Liam.

"You're going down! Better add another to that losing streak of yours." Louis taunts Liam.

"We'll see." The smirk Liam held shows he has something to prove, he has something up his sleeve.

"I'm going to grab a drink." I announce.

"Grab a round." Louis instructs. I roll my eyes. Of course.

"Um none for me this time, one's a limit on my part." Liam declines.

"Master may I have another?" Niall asks, he had been silent for the most part of the evening, after Louis lost his shit against me. I've heard Niall call Liam 'Master' before but it's just, it's still awkward to hear. I try to remain calm and not stalk off like before.

"Yes, but two's your limit, so enjoy." Liam acknowledges Niall's question.

Okay so three beers, comin' right up.

When I get to the kitchen I open the fridge and grab the three cans before I turn back into the living room.

Louis and Liam are still gaming, so I set Louis' on the table and I hand Niall his.

"Thank you Harry." Louis says. I ignore it and sit back in my chair.

"Thanks Harry." Niall cheers.


Another hour passes and by then all the snacks and pizza are gone. They've moved on to a round robin sort of deal. Zayn kicked ass against Liam once again and Niall had ended up with a win against Louis, making it Niall against Zayn for the final game.

Things were getting pretty intense, even I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen. It was tied at zero for the duration of the game until Zayn slipped one into the net.

"Motherfucker!" Niall yells, standing up from his seat on the couch.

For a moment I had forgotten who was in our presence because I hadn't thought anything of the word until Liam said a sharp, "Hey!" That could've made anyone shit themselves.

Niall instantly pales. "I- I didn't mean- I'm sor-"

"No. That's enough." Liam stands. "Thank you Louis for having us but we shall be on our way now." He seethes through gritted teeth.

Louis doesn't say anything but he nods his head, seemingly understanding what will happen.


Niall tries but was cut off by Liam.

"No. Not a word."

A soft whimper escapes Niall and my heart lurches. He swore. No big deal. He's 19 years old that's what we do.

"Zayn up you go, c'mon." Zayn stands and walks out of the living with his head bowed. Niall remained motionless.

"Follow." Liam's glare could cut through steel. Niall jumped at the permission to leave and he followed the dark haired boy.

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