Chapter 34

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Does anyone ever just cringe because the king Sam Smith actually did a collab with Naughty Boy *gags* *face mask emoji*


Harry's POV

Niall had apologized on Tuesday and said he was just excited that there was a chance for us to connect with this lifestyle. I told him to just not ask any more questions, and I'd forgive him, and we'll be fine. I might've sounded a little threatening, but he shouldn't be the nosey into someone's sex life.

Other than that, the week was uneventful. Louis really is taking his time and not forcing me to do anything for which I appreciate. But I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. He hasn't made anything awkward, he doesn't talk about it, he never has a cocky persona about it and I can't decide if that's him or if it's part of his game plan to get me to sleep with him. If that's the case, I'm not falling for it.

I'm not as nervous for this gala as I have been for the previous ones. It's becoming routine. Get dressed. Argue about the collar. Roll my eyes. Wear the collar. Then meet up with Liam and Niall on our driveway.

The routine was almost the same, sign our names on a sheet to say we attended, but instead of making our way to the back to find a table, Liam suggests to Niall they go to take a look upstairs.

"Everyone knows the real fun doesn't start for at least another twenty minutes. When everyone warms up." Louis argues.

The music is loud and I try my best to tune out their conversation. I look around the room and spot some girls dancing on the makeshift dance floor. I bite my lip as I see a particular brunette in a black dress sway her hips back and forth along with the heavy beat and her friends laughing and doing much the same. I wonder what school they're coming from.

Louis distracts me from my thoughts when he nudges me in the ribs. "More Zamora girls. Don't fuck with them." I catch his glare and he looks over to the group of girls as well.

I can't decide if he meant it figuratively or literally but I take it as both.

"I've seen them before. If I'm not mistaken, that's the daughter of Zamora's Headmaster. The blonde one in the blue dress."

I nod my head at this information, but I could really care less what title she holds. She wasn't the one I was looking at.

Louis takes my hand and drags me away and I'm about to protest but I see Liam and Niall already making their way over to the stairs.

"I thought we were gonna wait." I say, just loud enough for Louis to hear from where I was stood right behind him, his shoulder bumping my chest periodically as we walked.

He stops in his tracks then turns around to me, "Do you not want to go up there?"


Louis nods his head and looks down, "Well, I think it's an easy night up there. I know there's a lesson on riding crops, but I was planning on avoiding that with you. But other than that, I think it's just amateur competitions for now."

"Like those ones you mentioned with the wax or the vibrators?" I wrinkle my nose as I remember how Louis and Liam mentioned some of the activities.

Louis shrugs, "Yeah, those are some. I'm not sure which they're doing tonight."

I remain silent and I look around the room. It's hard to make out faces past the people immediately in front of us. We've walked far enough towards the back wall where the stairs are located, that when I turn around I can see the front of the brunette from earlier. It's hard to make out her face, but I can see she's smiling.

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