Chapter 8

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Louis walked me to my third period class and made sure I was seated before he left to go to his. He warned me of the consequences if he has to be pulled out of his class once again to come to my rescue.

I don't need him to rescue me. I'm just fine by myself. I always have been and always will be.

Whatever the fuck this class is right now it's currently my favorite. That's probably a bit lousy to say but there are desks and it looks like an actual fucking classroom.

The teacher at the front of the class didn't mention anything about assigned seats and I'm hoping he won't.

I made sure to save the seat to my right for Niall. When he walked through the door I noticed him sigh with what looked to be relief.

"You need to stop doing that mate." He says and plops down to the seat reserved for him.

"Doin' what?"

"Acting out."

"Acting out? Really? That's how you see it?" I say in a quiet but harsh tone.

"Mate that's how everyone sees it." A soft laugh leaves his lips.

"What do you mean everybody?" I scoff, "How do you know?"

"Well I've made some friends here. Only some though. I'm not exactly a social butterfly."

"We've been here three days. It's not expected of you to make friends with everyone."

I can't ignore the pang in my chest when he talks about how he made friends.

I hate to admit it but I miss my old friends. Well, I miss having drinking buddies I guess. It was never fun to drink alone and when I finally found people who were like me it made things easier.

When we'd drink. Damn I miss that.

Done loads of crazy shit when we were higher than a kite. I don't remember much but the police filled us in pretty good.

Too many times to go into detail, and they're not really memories worth reliving.

I never officially finished high school but they figured after being expelled from three that a reformatory school would be a better substitute.

Nowhere to run. No way could I skip class. No access to alcohol on campus.

They think it's the perfect place for correction.

Oh right except one minor detail that it's actually an all-boys BDSM school. I'm going to have to go to some major therapy once I get out of here.

I wonder if this place is even legal. I could definitely try to shut them down. No. I will shut them down.

"Afternoon class my name is Mr. Arthur but you will please address me as sir. This class is called 'core' and it's for all those classes you would normally take."

I don't know if it's this guy's smile or the way he talks but something makes me not mind him. Not particularly 'like' but I don't mind.

"In this class we will do maths, English, chemistry, physics, and a bit of world history. Just like you would at any other school."

This is going to be a long year.

I had no reason to speak against this teacher. He was straight forward and told us exactly what needed to be done. This seems like my only chance at keeping some of my sanity around here. With algebra and Shakespeare. Great.

Ironic how the things I thought tore me apart are now the only thing holding me together.

"You any good with that stuff?" I say to Niall as we sit down in the cafeteria for lunch. We have an hour and I want to fill him in on my plans.

Once again we sat near the wall and to the end of the table. He was mowing down on a burger so he finished before replying,

"What stuff?"

"Like maths and that." I mumble. I don't want to admit my need for help in those classes. I was hardly in class, and when I was present I was more than likely sleeping or too distracted by girls to pay attention to whatever the shitty teacher was saying.

"Yeah I'm pretty good." He licks the running ketchup from his thumb before tilting his head a smidge to give me a look. "Why? Do you need help with it?"

I shrug my shoulders and stir my cereal. Which is more of a mushy paste because I haven't had much of an appetite given recent events.

"It's okay. I'll help you no problem."

What did I ever do to deserve a friend like Niall? Oh right. Nothing. I don't deserve Niall.

It's only been three days, I'm sure he'll realize it sooner or later.

"Niall." I whisper and look from my left to my right. He leans forward a bit so I know I caught his attention. "I need your help with my plan."

"Your plan for what?" he whispers back.

"I need to get out of here. And you should too. We need to go while there isn't a human watch dog on us. Before we have someone attached to our fucking hips 24/7."

"Harry what are you saying? We can't exactly break out of here. There's probably cameras and triggers and have you seen that wall?"

"Niall I can't just sit here and let these people take advantage of me. I need to know if you're in or not. We can figure those things out together."

"Alright Harry." He sighs, "I'm in."


I just want to say that every time I see a notification that someone has voted or commented on my story I really just want to hug you!!! I love you all so much thank you💕💕

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