The Soldier

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*Steve's POV*

Memories flashed through my head as I punched harder every time.

I finally punched hard enough that the bag burst open and flew to the other side of the gym.

"Can't sleep?" I heard a feminine voice ask from the door. I looked to the entrance to see a blonde woman with a file. Her face emotionless.

I walked to my bag and started taking the wraps off my hand. Despite her not wearing heels I could still hear the sound of her boots.

"Do I know you?" I asked sitting on the bench.

"Oh, I hope not," She let out a small laugh. "I'm hear for an old friend of yours." She held out the file for me to take.

I looked at her. There was something familiar about her but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"You work for Fury?" I guessed.

"No," She said sternly. "I don't work for anyone, technically. I'm just doing him a favor."

I opened the file to see a picture of the Tesseract inside. I flipped through the pages.

"Hydras secret weapon." She crossed her arms over her chest and bit the inside of her cheek like she wanted to say something but thought against it.

I kept looking through the pages and found a file on her. "1917 is when you were born?" I looked up at her.

"It's a long story." She pursed her lips.

"And your a super soldier assassin for Hydra?" I closed the file and gave it back to her.

"Former Hydra assassin. That's an even longer story. The point is, Fury's building a super hero fight club." She took back the file. "He wants you to help take back that cube."

"Any idea who took it from him?" She just shrugged her shoulders at my question.

"He only told me his name, Loki. But I'm guessing he isn't here for a party."

"Any idea how he got it from Fury?" I asked

She shrugged her shoulders. "All he told me was that he broke in and took it. He probably used some high tech stuff. You'd be surprised at how easy it is for people to break in somewhere."

"At this point I doubt anything would surprise me." I said.

"Ten bucks says your wrong." She claimed. "I know your probably thinking about retirement right now but we-Fury needs your help."

I looked at her, she didn't seem like she was on board with stopping this Loki person. "What's your name?"

"Nikita Petrova." She said it like it was in a foreign language.

"Nikita?" I looked at her.

"What? It's Russian." She rolled her eyes. Now that she mentions it, she has a faint Russian accent.

"So I can call you Nik?" I joked.

"Do that and I will kill you." Her face was very serious again. "And it would look like a damn accident."

She didn't strike me as someone who would be a hero but if Fury trusts her I guess she can't be that bad.

"So, just say the words and you'll be fighting bad guys like there's no tomorrow. The world may not be a perfect place but it still deserves a chance." She said sensing my doubt.

With that she walked out of the gym. I walked out and she was gone so I just walked back to my apartment.

After awhile I decided to call Fury to tell him that I would join his team.

I couldn't get over the fact that Nikita had said she didn't work for SHIELD but she also didn't work for Hydra anymore.

I decided to get some sleep even if it was uncomfortable to sleep in my bed.


Sorry for the short chapter but I didn't really know what to write for this one. Anyways i hope you guys keep reading and remember to vote.

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