A Bloody Encounter With Milk

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Nikita's POV

Steve pulled up a platform in the floor so there was a hole big enough for the both of us. We jumped in just as the missile exploded. He covered us with his shield until the dust settled.

The whole building fell on us and I helped him hold up the shield.

When the dust settles we moved fallen debris out of the way and made it out of the former building which was reduced to rumble.

"Steve. Steve are you there!" I was so scared for a second.

"Nikita." I heard Steve beside me. "Hey, I'm right here."

I calmed down knowing he was okay.

We got out of the base and saw jet lights coming towards us. We ran as fast as we could away from the explosion. 

We watched as SHIELD (Or Hydra) agents swept the scene.

*Winter Soldier's POV*

I sat at the table waiting for Pierce.

He finally came into the kitchen and went to the fridge to get some milk.

He hadn't noticed me until he turned around.

"I'm going to go, Mr. Pierce." The maid spoke near the door. There was a wall between us so she couldn't see me.

"You need anything before I leave?"

"No... Uh, it's fine, Renata, you can go home." Pierce said, his fearful eyes not leaving mine.

"Okay. Night-night."

"Good night."

As soon as we heard the door close he spoke again. "Want some milk?" He seemed more relaxed now that the maid had left.

I didn't do anything, not even blink.

He walked over and pulled one glass from the cupboard.

He poured just a little bit into the glass.

"The timetable has moved. Our window is limited." He walked over and sat in the seat across from me. A gun laying in between us.

"Two targets, Level Six. They already cost me Zola. The female keep her alive, she is still useful. I want confirmed death of the male in ten 10 hours."

"Sorry, Mr. Pierce, I..." The maid walked in. "I forgot my phone." She stuttered.

She looked between me and Pierce. Pierce grabbed the gun.

"Oh, Renata, I wish you would have knocked." He shot her twice.

I watched silently as the woman's body fell to the floor and watched the blood stream from her bullet wounds.


Okay short chapter but this felt like a good stopping point.

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