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Bucky's POV

I sat there while the doctor got me ready to go back into cryo freeze.

Steve walked in. "You sure about this?"

"I can't trust my own mind. So, until they find out how to get all this stuff out of my head like they did Nik...I think going back under is the best thing. For everybody."

Just then Nikita walked in with T'Challa.

"How come you never told me you were here?" Steve asked her when she made her way over to us.

"Well," She just shrugged her shoulders. "Do you remember that story I told you about you know who shooting me." She kind of nodded her head towards me.

"More or less." Steve said.

"He didn't really run away, it's more of I was saved by them."

"You told him I ran away." I looked up at her.

"What, no." She just walked away like nothing happened.

I walked into the cryo bed and the doctor pressed a button making the glass go up. I felt the cold air enter the tube and I closed my eyes.

Nikita was the last person I saw before closing my eyes.


Last chapter. I hope everyone liked this movie. Please remember to vote and comment.

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