We're Criminals Again

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Steve's POV

"A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka."

I could hear Nikita gasp at the last part.

"Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. The infamous Hydra agent..."

I saw Nikita grab something out of her jacket pocket. It was a small metal orb.

"I'll be right back." And she walked off.

*Nikita's POV*

We waited in the coffee shop for Steve.

"She tell you to stay out of it?" Steve walked up to Sam and I. "Might have a point."

"He'd do it for me."

"1945, maybe. I just want to make sure we consider all our options."

"Yeah, well consider this." I threw a file down on the counter in between them. "Well go on."

They opened it up and read through what was in it. "How'd you find him?" Steve looked at me.

"I have my ways."

Just then Sharon came in.

"Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Most of it's noise. Except for this." She slid a file down to us.

"Little late to the party Sharon." I held up my file like it was a trophy.

"My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now, you're gonna have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight." With that she walked off giving me the side eye.


I waited outside on the building beside the one I had sent the Winter Soldier to a few years ago.

"Head up, Cap. German Special Forces, approaching from the south."


After a few minutes I saw them setting up guards everywhere. "They've set the perimeter."

"They're entering the building. They're on the roof I'm compromised. Five seconds."

"Three seconds."

"Breach! Breach! Breach!"

There was one explosion and a muffled thud, then gunfire. I watched from my place on the roof as guards broke through the windows. Again I heard a series of gunshots.

I couldn't really tell because of the sun in my eyes, but something black came right at me. I caught it right in front of me.

"The hell?" I dropped the bag.

I ran off the roof of the building and through the windows of the one Steve was in. I ran up the steps to be met with guards getting knocked down by a door.

One came down from the roof and fire at the Soldier. He blocked the bullet with his arm.

He picked up the battering ram they used and swung it at a guy.

He grabbed onto the guy who came down from the ceiling and used him to get past some of the guards.

I saw Steve come out of the apartment. He reached back and crushed a guys radio.

I grabbed a guy out of the way just as the soldier was about to punch him.

"тьфу ты"(Damn you). I look at the soldier.

He pauses for a moment and looks at me. He looks as though there weren't fifty guards surrounding us. He finally went back to throwing guards out of his way.

The soldier threw a man over the railing and Steve caught him. "Come on man."

The soldier grabbed the metal railing and used it like a rope to get down to the next level.

He jumped and fell until he caught his hand on the railing. He got up and walked through a door. I followed after him and he jumped onto the building I was previously on.

He grabbed his backpack and started to run when a shadow landed over him.

I saw the familiar Black Panther suit that King T'Chaka wore. But there was no mistake, this was his son. I knew Steve and Sam wouldn't know who he is, they would just see him as a threat.

Just then T'Challa and the soldier started fighting.

"Sam, southwest roof top."

"Who the hell's the other guy?" Sam asked.

"About to find out.

I got a running start and jumped onto the building Steve following in toe.

I heard a chopper approaching. They started to fire at the two men fighting. The bullets bounced right off T'Challa's suit."


"Got him."

Sam pushed the back part of the chopper sending it flying off course.

The soldier kicked T'Challa off him and started running again. Steve and I followed jumping off the side of the building.

The soldier ran into an opening in the road that led to a tunnel full of moving cars.

I was getting closer to the two but Steve had to grab a car from a police officer.

"Stand down!"

T'Challa jumped on the back of Steve's stolen car.

The soldier didn't slow down and neither did we. He pushed a guy off his motorcycle and started riding away.

I started falling behind the two vehicles and wouldn't catch up unless I got one of my own. I jumped onto the side of Steve's car and held my hand through the window to have a better hold.

Then as we got closer to his motorcycle T'Challa jumped off the back of our car and landed on the bike. Well tried to. The soldier grabbed him by the throat and held him against the wall.

T'Challa ran up the wall and turned the bike on its side. The soldier used his metal arm to keep the bike from tipping completely. He then kicked T'Challa off and pushed the bike back up to a normal position.

I saw the soldier throw something in the air and a red glowing light.

Steve turned the vehicle and we both jumped off just as the bomb went off.

T'Chall was able to snag the tire of the bike and cause the soldier to fall off.

Steve pushed T'Challa away from the soldier and then we were all surrounded by  German Special Forces.

Rhodey landed in front of us in his War Machine suit.

"Stand down, now." He ordered.

Steve put his shield away and T'Challa retracted his claws.

"Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal."

The put the soldier on the floor and hand cuffed him. T'Challa raised his hands in a surrendering gesture. He took off his helmet to reveal his face.

"Your Highness."

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