A Weapon of War

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(I would advise you to play the song 'Panic Room' by Au/Ra.)

Nikita's POV

I snuck up to my position.

I heard crashing and decided to go.

I jumped up to a bot and ripped it's head off.

I heard gunfire from a distance but still knew it was inside the ship.

I took out ten of the henchmen and went back to fighting robots.

I saw a flash of blue and a sharp pain across my jaw.

"Thor status?"

"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care. I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty."

I ran down a platform when I ran into to a lot of red.

I lost my balance and tried to grab the wall to catch myself but fell onto a table. A cold metal table.

Bright florescent lights flickered above me. It was cold and I couldn't see anything other than a metal table full of doctors tools.

I remembered this room. I was only here a few times. First when they took out of of my reproductive organs, and again when I was given the serum.

The short doctor with wire rimmed glasses walked into the room.

Not one day went by that I didn't want to strangle him.

After hours I would be put back in my "room" if that's what you want to call a room.

After that last day I was taken to a training room. It was far from the rest of the training rooms and close to the room I never wanted to see again.

I walked in and noticed the room was smaller than most training rooms. It was big enough for two people to spar in.

I walked around when the door opened and a man walked in with to guards at his sides.

He had a metal arm and shoulder length hair.

"Begin." A man on a PA system said.

He reached into his pocket and flung a knife at me. I caught it just before it pierced my face. I flipped it so I was holding it the right way, so the blade was pointing downwards.

He charged at me and I tried to kick him in the face. He dodged and grabbed my wrist, the one that was holding the knife.

He threw me across the floor and I quickly got up.

I grabbed under his arm and lifted myself up to wrap my legs around his neck. Using my momentum I pulled myself up and pushed his neck down and flipped him onto the floor.

I took a second to catch my breath, and in the second he got me in a choke hold. I tried to get out but I felt like I was going to pass out. I tapped out.

"All right, enough."

The man walked out and the guards took me to the room next door.

In the center of the room was a chair with machines all around it. I knew what was about to happen because it has happened too many times.

I was stapped down to the chair and a sharp pain went through my mind. It felt like the worlds worst headache.

"Nikita!" I felt someone grab my face and I opened my eyes and took in a sharp breathe.

"Clint." I said. I was out of breathe and felt like I was going to cry, but then the memories came back to me.

Every time I ever showed weakness I was tortured. I felt like I had been hit in the head by ten pounds of bricks.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I told him getting up. I saw the look on his face, he knew I wasn't okay but I refused to sit there while everyone else could be in trouble.

I found Steve knocked out under the stairs.

"Hey, Steve. Steve, wake up." His eyes shot open

I helped him to the quinjet where I was expecting to see Banner. "Banner!" I called out. Nothing.

I looked at Steve then behind me. I helped Steve take a seat and waited for everyone else.

Although I won't say it out loud, I was scared. Really scared.

Finally everyone had made it back. Banner was out cold, Nat looked worse than I felt, Tony's Iron Man suit looked like a pile of metal, Thor didn't say a word to any of us, and Barton looked like a major league football coach. And we were the team who lost the Super Bowl.

When the sun went down none of us said anything. We were all in separate corners.

I kept seeing the lights, and the pain in my head wouldn't go away.

"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is." Maria said. "There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air."

"The Stark Relief Foundation?" Stark asked.

"Already on the scene. How's the team?"

"Everyone's...we took a hit. We'll shake it off."

"Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here."

"So run and hide?"

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer."

"Neither do we." Stark mumbled to himself.

He walked up front to switch with Clint but he refused.

I sat in the back of the jet, trying not to go to sleep. Knowing the horrors would never stop if I closed my eyes.

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