Did I Step On Your Moment

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Nikita's POV

"And how was your flight?" Pierce asked as me and the other members of the Council enetered the building.

"Lovely." I said. My voice modifyer made me sound just like Council Member Hawley. "The ride from the airport, less so."

"Sadly, SHIELD can't control everything." Pierce said. Haha very clever inside joke. "Including Captain America. This facility is biometrically controlled." He grabbed a case from a man and showed it to us. Inside were our name tags.

"And these will give you unrestricted access." I grabbed mine and pinned it to my blazer.

We made it to the Council room. "I know the road hasn't exactly been smooth, and some of you would have gladly kicked me out of the car along the way. Finally, we're here. And the world should be grateful." He all raised our glasses in a toast.

I then heard over the PA system, Steve. "Attention all SHIELD agents, this is Steve Rogers." Pierce lowered his glass.

"You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was. It's been taken over by Hydra. Alexander Pierce is their leader."

All the members turned to Pierce and I followed. He had walked to in front of his desk.

"The STRIKE and Insight crew are Hydra as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in this building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want." Pierce pulled something out of his suit jacket. He started to type.

"Absolute control. They shot Nick Fury. And it won't end there. If you launch those helicarriers today, Hydra will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way. Unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot. But the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one then so be it. But I'm willing to bet that I'm not."

I had to hand it to him, that was a pretty good speech.

"You smug son of a bitch." One of the council men said to Pierce.

Three men came into the room heavily armed.

"Arrest him." Another one said to the guards.

The guard raised his gun to the man.

"I guess I've got the floor." Pierce said calmly.

Outside I saw the helicarriers firing at something in the air, it had to be Sam.

"Let me ask you a question. What if Pakistan marched into Mumnai tomorrow and you knew that they were going to drag your daughters into a soccer stadium for execution," He handed a glass to another council man. "and you could just stop it, with a flick of the switch. Wouldn't you? Wouldn't you all?"

"Not if it was your switch." The man threw his glass across the floor.

A guard handed Pierce a gun. He raised it at the man.

I kicked him out of the way and grabbed Pierce's wrist and punched him in the face. I threw a disk at a guard and they fell to the ground as the disk electrocuted him. I grabbed Pierce's gun and hit a guard in the face with it. Another guard came at me and I kicked him in the groin and punched him in the gut and slammed him to the ground.

The other guard got up and I slammed his head on the table. I turned and hooked one arm around a guards wrist  pulled on his vest and slammed him to the ground to join his friend.

I grabbed his gun off the floor and pointed it at Pierce. I tapped right above my temple and my mask and voice modifyer started to dissolve.

"I'm sorry." I pulled the rest of the mask off and the wig. "Did I step on your moment?" I looked at him with false pity.

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