The Star-Spangled Man (2)

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Bucky's POV

"One minute to drop off, Sam." A guy said.

Sam had changed into his suit where as me and Nikita weren't.

Sam kept looking at me and I looked at him back. Nikita just looked between us.

"Are one of you just going to-" She snapped her fingers in front of my face.

Sam got up and put a comm in his ear. Nikita and I did the same.

"So what's our plan?" I asked him." He didn't answer. "Great. So no plan."

"Thirty seconds!" The man said.

"Well, Nik, Buck, enjoy your ride."

"No, you can't call me that." I said.

"Why not? That's what Steve called you." Sam said.

"Steve knew me longer, and Steve had a plan."

"Fifteen seconds to drop."

"I have a plan."

"Really." I got up. "What is it?"

We watched as Sam jumped out of the plane.

"Great." I said.

"Where's the chute?" I asked the man.

"We're 200 feet. It's too low for a chute." He said.

Nikita groaned and walked to the door.

"We don't need it anyway." She said.

"Sure about that?" I asked looking out of the plane.

"Do you have a hair-tie?" She asked the guy.

"Um, no?"

"Damn." She jumped out of the plane.

He looked out the plane door. His eyes were wide. "Did she just..."

"Yeah." I nodded.

I ripped off the sleeve of my jacket and jumped out of the plane.

I crashed into want felt like a million tree branches. I fell on my back and just layed there.

"I have all of that on camera. You know that, right?"

Redwing flew in front of my face.

"Get out of my face, Sam, or I'll break it." I threatened.

"Okay, head north. Come on."

I ran into Nikita on my way there.

"What happened to you?" She grabbed a leaf out of my hair.

"I don't want to talk about it."

We ran into the building which was an old warehouse.

As we were walking Redwing flew into my face and I swatted at it.

"Oh-ho-ho. Don't hurt him."

We walked until we found Sam.

"You're doing the staring thing again." He said not looking up. "They're in there."

"Where's the guy?" I asked looking at the thing on Sam's wrist.

"I don't know. I think they're smuggling weapons, though."

"Well, I think you could be right." Nikita said sarcastically.


"But there's only one way to find out. I see a clear path. I say we take it."

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