Ten Bucks Is Ten Bucks

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Nikita's POV

I was an the helicarrier when Natasha, one of my old friends walked in with Steve Rogers and Dr. Bruce Banner.

The nervous man I was looking at, looked nothing like a giant green monster.

Natasha went to watch the monitors and I went to Steve.

Fury was standing surrounded by computers. "Good lets vanish." And with that a girl at a computer hit a button and the outside of the helicarrier disappeared.

Fury turned around and walked away from his circle. "Gentlemen."

Steve pulled out a roll of money and handed a ten dollar bill. He was still staring out the window when I grabbed the money out of his hand.

I saw Nat looking at me. I raised an eyebrow and put the money in my back pocket.

After awhile Agent Coulson started talking to Steve about trading cards.

Out of nowhere an alarm went off and a guy at a monitor called out. "Got a hit. 67% match. Wait cross match 79% match."

Coulson went to look at the screen. "Location?"

"Stuttgart, Germany. He's not exactly hiding."

"Captain," Steve turned around to face Fury. "Your up."

Natasha and I made our way to the hanger to get a jet. I took the pilot seat and fired up the engine. We took off toward Stuttgart. It had been a while since I had flown a jet but I still knew how to pilot decently.

"So where have you been all this time?" Natasha asked as we were flying.

"Hiding." I replied. She just nodded her head and went back to what she was doing. "What about you?" I looked at her.


I flew as fast as the jet would go.

When we got there a crowd of people were surrounded by not one, not two, and not three, but four men wearing a golden helmet with horns.

Just as a flash of light came from Loki's scepter Steve jumped in front of him to protect an old man.

I pulled the jet around. "Loki drop the weapon." Nat said over the speaker.

Just then Cap threw his shield at Loki and they were fighting back and forth.

"This guys all over the place." I told Nat.

Just then there was a breach in the speakers. "Romanoff, you miss me." Said the familiar voice of the billionaire Tony Stark.

He was in his Iron Man suit and he had rockets ready to fire at Loki. "Make your move reindeer games."

Loki raised his hands in surrender. Cap got up and walked over to them. "Mr. Stark."


We put Loki in cuffs and brought him into the jet. We made our way back to the helicarrier.

"Has he said anything yet?" Fury asked over the radio.

"Nothing yet." I replied.

"Just get him here, we're low on time."

"Roger that." I said and turned off the radio.

Cap and Stark were talking in the back when out of nowhere a thunder storm started. "Where is this coming from?" Nat asked from beside me.

In the back I could hear the three men talking. "Whats the matter, scared of a little lightning?" Cap asked.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki replied.

As if on cue something hit the top of the jet. I tried to keep us from falling and crashing, when Stark opened the door.

"What are you doing?" I heard Cap shout over the wind.

Just then there was a blonde man and a series of crashes.

I then heard Cap ask if he was friendly. I couldn't hear what Stark said but he flew out of the jet after the blonde man.

"Another Asgardian?" Nat looked back.

Steve was getting a parachute. "I'd sit this one out Cap." I told him.

"I don't see how I can." He grabbed his shield and got ready to jump.

"These guys come from legend their basically gods." I tried to get him to forget it but he was stuck to his own plan.

"There's only one god ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." And with that he jumped out of the jet.

"Well there he goes." Nat told me. "Now you know how I felt."

I looked at her. "That was ten years ago."

We just laughed at each.

Ten years ago I went on a mission to get nuclear codes. Natasha was there to do the same thing. So we worked together, we quickly became friends and kept in contact. And that's when Hydra started to lose their hold on me.

I flew us back to the helicarrier.

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