Seven Ways To Save New York

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Nikita's POV

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Nikita's POV

I skipped going to the bridge with Stark and Steve. I also skipped going to the med bay with Clint and Nat.
I went to go and get this bullet out of my torso. I told the doctor in the room that I could handle it by myself.

I put pressure on the wound and pulled to bullet out. I put the gauze on the wound and found some tape to keep it in place. It wasn't great but it would do for now.

I walked to the bathroom and cleaned out the stain for the most part.

I made my way to the med bay to check on Clint, but on my way I ran into Steve.

"Where have you been?" He asked clearly in a rush.

"More sneaking, but what are you doing?"

"You can fly a jet right?" He looked at me.

"Yeah, I kind of flew us here."

"Great. Go get one started I'll meet you there." He then walked into a room and I just went to the hanger. 

I snuck into the hanger and found a jet with someone in it. "Um, hi."

He got up and looked at me. "Hey your actually not supposed to be in here." He told me.

"Oh my bad." I turned my head back and punched to guy in the nose. "Sorry."

I pulled his unconscious body into a storage room near the jet.

I walked into the jet just as Steve, Clint, and Nat got there.

"Well lets get this party started." I hopped into the pilot's seat and Nat took the co-pilot seat.

We took off towards New York. Before we even got there I saw a blue streak going into the sky opening a hole.

"Stark, we're on your three, heading northeast." Nat told Stark over the radio.

"What? Did you stop for drive-through? Swing up Park. I'm gonna lay 'em out for you."

We came to the intersection and Nat fired up the gun. The aliens raced by after Stark and Nat took off with the gun.

I came around Stark Tower to see red and green fighting. "Nat." I looked over to her.

"I see them." She pointed the gun  to Loki and Thor. Loki threw Thor onto the ground and pointed his scepter at the jet.

"Son of a bitch!" A blue blast of light hit the turbine and we went falling.

I tried to find a soft landing but that wasn't going to happen. We landed in the middle of a road.

I opened the door and we all got out.

The city was already trashed with cars and debris everywhere.

"We got to get back up there." Steve said leading us to the Tower.

We heard a loud mechanical growl and we all stopped and looked up.

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