Grumpy Beginnings

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Nikita's POV

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Nikita's POV

I fumbled with the keys to my apartment while also trying to hold a bag of groceries.

I opened the door and set the bag down on the island.

The one thing I never had to worry about in Hydra was groceries. Which I guess was a good thing.

I put all the food away while I reheated some spaghetti in the microwave.

When it was finally done I went to the couch and scrolled through the channels. There was nothing good to watch, then I came across Jeopardy.

So far I had gotten every question right. There was a sudden knock on my door.

I paused the TV and looked at my watch. It was pretty late and I never really invited anyone over so I didn't know who it was.

I set my food down and slowly walked towards the door grabbing my emergency gun I kept hidden behind a few books on the shelf.

I held one hand on the gun and looked through the peep whole. It was a guy in all black with a black trench coat and eyepatch on his left eye.

I slowly undid the dead bolt and held the door open just enough to for me to see him and him to see just my face.

"Who are you?" I asked suspicion rising in my voice.

"Is that how you answer the door? You really need to work on your people skills." He said jokingly but he still looked dead serious.

"Not many people knock on my door at nine o'clock at night, so..."

"I can see why." He looked down the hall. "Are you going to let me in or not?" He gestured towards the door.

"I'm still deciding." I said looking back at my messy apartment.

"Well, decide inside." And with that he pushed the door open and walked in.

"Make your self at home." I mumbled under my breath while closing the door.

I hid the gun in the waistband of my leggings just in case I need it.

He walked over and sat in a chair in the living room part of my loft.

"Do you want something to drink or..." Like I said, I've never really had anybody over before.

"I'm here to offer you a chance to redeem yourself." He pulled out a file and threw it on the coffee table.

"Why would I need to redeem my-who are you?" I ran my hand through my hair and sat on the couch.

"I'm not the one you need to worry about. I mean you are the 100 year old assassin, aren't you?" He asked rhetorically.

I wiped my gun out turned off the safety and aimed it at him. "Who are you and how do you know that?" I had a feeling he was part of Hydra but if he was he would have killed me by now.

"Please put the gun down." He held up his hands.

"Not until you tell me who you are and why you're here?" I said sternly keeping my grip on the gun tight ready to pull the trigger.

"My name is Nick Fury and I need your help."

"Why would you need my help?" I asked.

"I need you to be a part of a team I'm putting together to save the world."

"Why would I help to save a world that never did anything for me?" I sat on the couch and turned the safety on.

"Because you'll walk out either with a clear conscious or you won't walk out at all and you'll be considered a hero." He explained.

"What if I don't want to be a hero?"

"Then you can walk out." He moved his hand through the air.

I picked up the file and set the gun down on the cushion next to me.

When I opened the file it had picture of something I had only heard of. I flipped to the next piece of paper and say information on Hydra and what they had to do with this.

The Tessaract was something Dr. Zola was working on with the Red Skull. I had never met the Red Skull but thanks to Zola I was turned into a super soldier.

I flipped through the next pages and found files on six other people. 

Steve Rogers. I've heard of him. He was known as Captain America. He was a pain in the ass for Hydra in WWII. I also heard he went into the ice for 70 years.

I flipped through a few more files and found a familiar face.

Natasha Romanoff. The woman who helped be escape Hydra in the first place.

Then it was a file on me. It had all my information. My name, age, height, weight, skills, and the name I was given by Hydra, Atropos.

I closed the files.

"Who stole it from you? The Tessaract. Shouldn't you have kept it locked up or something. I mean that thing was a big deal for Hydra." I handed him the file and he took it.

"His name is Loki and we had it in a safe place but he found a way to...break in." He thought about that last part for a moment.

"Why would even ask me to help you?" I asked.

"I've seen security tapes, I've done my research. Your names not Nicole Pierce, it's Nikita Petrova, and your a former Hydra super soldier. Besides, you may have been able to hide from Hydra, but you can't hide from SHIELD."

He got up from the chair and walked towards the door.

I at the TV for a moment considering my options. Stay here and watch as the world is destroyed knowing I had the chance to save it, or give it a shot and figure out the rest from there.

"I'll do it." I turned around on the couch just before he was about to leave. "I'll help you stop this Loki person."

"I'm glad to hear that. I just need one more favor from you."

"What is it?"

And just like that I was tossed into a messy situation and even if I didn't know it yet, this was the decision that changed my life from here on out.

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