Too Long

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Nikita's POV

I sat next to Nat as she drove us and tried to dodge fire from the truck behind us.

I was firing back at the driver but he wouldn't seem to die.

They came up right beside us and Thor pulled the driver out.

Hawkeye kept firing arrows at anything that came close.

We all jumped out, and it's times like these where I think we would be in slow motion looking really badass as we killed bad guys.

"Shit!" Stark said over the com

"Language!" Steve told him. "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken."

"Loki's scepter must be here. Stucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Thor joined into the conversation.

"At long last is lasting a little long boys." Natasha said.

"Too long." I told her.

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint said.

"Wait a second. No one else gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said "Language"?"

"I know. Just slipped out."

I saw him throw his bike at a jeep coming at him.

He ran over to me. "Seems like a lot." We looked at the guards coming at us. I wiped out my batons.

"Well if your too scared i can take and you can run and go get Strucker." I joked.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you there."

"What I was only kidding." He walked off and I walked towards the guards.

Just as Cap turned to go after Strucker and blur of blue knocked him down.

"What the hell was that?" I knocked out a guard and punched another in the face and threw him into a tree.

"We have an Enhanced in the field." He told the team.

"Clint's hit!" Nat said back to us. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker?"

"Stark, we really need to get inside." Steve said as we made our way through the guards coming at us.

"I'm closing in."

After a few minutes he told us, "The drawbridge is down, people."

Steve brought his shield back to him with the magnets he had put on it.

I quickly ran to the building to get inside.

I ran past guards and finally got in.

I ran up stairs til I found Steve on the ground.


He shot up and ran back up the stairs. "We have a second Enhanced. Female. Do not engage." He said

"Hey, Steve are you okay what happened?"

"I don't know."

"You'll have to be faster than..." Strucker was cut off by Steve hitting him with his shield.

"Guys, we got Strucker." He said to everyone else on the com.

"Yeah, I got something bigger." Stark said.

*Time Skip*

We all got in the Quinjet and made our way back to the Avenger's Tower.

"Thor report on the Hulk."

"The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims." We all looked at him. "But not the screams of the dead of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout."

"Hey, Banner, Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab."

"Yeah, she knows her way around."

Tony handed the wheel over to Jarvis.

We got back to the Avengers Tower and got out of the Quinjet. Dr. Cho took Clint and the rest of us packed up our stuff.

"Lab's all set up boss" Maria said to Stark.

"Oh, actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler."

I got out of the jet and went inside the tower.

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