I Am Running On Spite And Furt

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Nikita's POV

Before I knew what was happening I was blasted across the room, or what was left of the room. The sounds of rocks falling and fires raging entered my pounding head.

I opened my eyes and saw nothing but rocks and dust.

A loud static sound came from my comm and I ripped it out of my ear.

I layed back down trying to catch my breath when I heard the smallest sound. I looked down next to me and saw a tiny person

"Scott!" I asked.

He grew to normal size and asked me if I could get him to Rhodey, Rocket, and Bruce.

He shrunk back down and I placed him on my shoulder.

I moved rocks out of the way and wadded through water.

I didn't even no where I was going I was just hoping I would stumble upon them.

I heard thunder and decided to go faster.

"Hang on we're coming." Scott said.

I jumped over a small waterfall. "Scott? Scott, you still there?" I asked swimming towards the sound of Rocket and Rhodey screaming for help.

"Yeah, I'm here." Scott said. He was on a bottle cap, using it as a boat.

We finally made it to the three and I helped them push up a giant piece of debris.

Finally when our faces went under the water we were pushed up. Rocks were pushed out of our way as we headed straight into the sky. Scott held us in his hands as he broke through all the ruble.

I jumped out of his hand when he lowered it for us to get off.

There were portals opened and hundreds of Wakandans, Asgardians, and Wizards or Witches were waiting for the order to attack.

I stood next to Steve. He held up his hand and Thor's hammer flew right into his hand. I was so happy I didn't even ask.


Everyone ran into battle.

I kept punching, hitting, and shooting at anything that came near me.

As I was fighting I saw a giant tree branch go right past my face.

I looked back and saw Groot I think was his name-he had impaled almost five aliens that were behind me.

I saw Bucky firing at everything, and I couldn't have been more happy to see him. He walked towards me and I held up my gun and shot an alien behind him.

"Nice hair cut." He said dryly.


I saw everyone get blow into the air when Thanos started firing on us all. I was thrown into the air.

An explosion went of near me and a rock hit just above my eye. Bucky grabbed my hand and helped me up.

"Are you okay?" He asked. His voice sounded like an echo.

"Yes. I think." I felt the cut above my eyebrow.

The wizards started to put up shields to block us from the missiles.

I was ready for one of them to give out and we all die, but then the shooting stopped. The ship above pointed it's canons into the sky.

A bright light came down and destroyed the ship by running right into it. It didn't take a genius to know it was Carol.

I walked over to her with Shuri.

"I don't know how your gonna get it through that?" Peter Parker handed her the glove.

"Don't worry." Wanda said landing next to me.

"She's got help." Okoye finished Wanda's sentence.

Gamora, Nebula, Wanda, and I along with a few others ran to meet the alien army half way and Carol flew to get over the aliens.

For a moment I felt as though Natasha was standing at my side. Ready to fight beside me. She deserved to be here.

Gamora tossed me a sword when she saw I needed help. I sliced an alien in half and she didn't seemed to be bothered by the fact I didn't give it back. To be honest it was nice to have a sword and not some baton that would only leave a bruise.

As I went to slice an alien I noticed it had turned to dust the second the sword even touched it. Every alien was turning to dust, even the ships.

I was so relieved to know we had won. But heartbroken to turn and see how we had won.

Tony lie there on his last breath.

Peter and Pepper ran up to Tony tears running down their faces. Half of Tony's body looked like Bruce's arm, but worse.

When Tony's body went limp and he stopped breathing completely, everyone on the battlefield knelt before him. A god, a king, a wizard, and everyone who didn't even know Tony.


We all stood there and watched as Pepper brought the floors out of the house with Morgan attached to her hand. And Happy following in toe.

Pepper made it to the edge of the dock, and set the flowers into the lake. It floated over the water and we all watched with heavy hearts, as Tony Stark's heart found its place. Watching over his family.

I stood there and Wanda wrapped her arm over my shoulder and I returned the gesture. The two of us never really agreed with Tony but it was the worst thing in the world to watch him leave me as well.

I just wish death wasn't so heartbreaking.

I stood on the edge of the lake with Wanda after the funeral.

"You know, I wish there was a way that I could let her know, that we won. We did it." I said breaking the silence.

"She knows." Wanda said. "They both do." She said referring to Vision.

I gave her a small and comforting hug as we stared at the calm lake.

"Yeah, they do." I whispered to myself.

I had never realized how similar Wanda and I are.

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