But I Did It

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Nikita's POV

On the way to Siberia I heard Steve and Bucky talking.

"What's gonna happen to your friends?" Bucky asked him.

Steve sighed and took a minute to answer. "Whatever it is...I'll deal with it."

"I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve."

"What you did all those years...It wasn't you. You didn't have a choice. Neither of you did." Steve said bringing me into the conversation.

"I know. But I did it."

I kept my eyes in front trying not to think about any of the stuff I did during my time in Hydra.

The rest of the flight was dead silent. Eventually the snow capped mountains of Siberia came into view. I hoped that I would never have to see this place again.

We landed in front of a big truck that was already covered in snow but really hadn't been here long.

Bucky went to the back to get a gun. I don't know why Steve thought that was a good idea. It's not like we need a trigger happy moron in there.

I opened the back of the jet and Steve and Bucky were standing there like idiots.

"You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of the freezer truck?" Steve started to reminisce.

"Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?"

"You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead."

I could see these two idiots, just walking to a train and realizing they used all their money on hot dogs.

"What was her name, again?"

"Dolores. You called her Dot."

"She's gotta be a hundred years old right now."

"So are we, pal." Steve put his hand on Bucky's shoulder.

"Let's get moving I don't want to be here any longer than we have to be." I looked back waiting for them to follow me out of the jet. "What now you two shut up."

We walked up to a door that was opened.

"He can't have been here for more than a few hours." Steve said as we walked through the door.

"Long enough to wake them up." Bucky informed us of that cheery news.

Knots started to form in my stomach. We walked in and found an old elevator that somehow still worked.

We all got in. It was a little crowded but it could have been worse. The elevator came to a stop and the doors flew open. I helped Steve push up the gate. That used to be used as a safety procession.

"This is where you guys were trained?" Steve asked.

"Yeah." Bucky gave a short answer.

"It's a lot different from mine." I stopped in my tracks and looked back at him. He somehow managed a smile. I rolled my eyes so far back, I almost thought I saw my brain. Which isn't possible because it should still be in the jet deciding whether I was stupid or suicidal.

Bucky and I took the lead being the only ones who knew our way around here.

I stopped dead in my tracks when we came to a room that was all to familiar. I could feel Bucky tense next to me. Clearly I wasn't the only one.

I remembered coming back from my mission in the U.S. and being dragged into that room. All my memories were erased and I was tortured.

"What?" Steve asked looking at the door.

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