Copilots For Life

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Nikita's POV

I ran back inside and found nothing. "Rogers!" When I didn't get a reponse I tried again. "Steve!"

I ran into the hallway where Steve busted through a door with Bucky leaning on him. I noticed Bucky's metal arm had been blown of.

"Help me get him to the jet. Hurry!"

They were both bloody and beaten. We made it to the jet and got inside. I didn't want to ask about Stark, I didn't want to know what happened when I left.

"Where is Zemo?" Steve asked with a hoarse voice.

"He-he's taken care of." I said dryly keeping my eyes in front of me.

"Nik," Steve sat down in the copilot seat. "What did you do?" He kept pressing.

When I didn't answer he walked to the back of the jet.

I knew if I flew us into Wakanda in this jet we might look threatening.

"Where are we going?" Steve asked.

"First to get our friends at the raft, then to a surprise party."

"Come on, be serious."

"I actually don't know. But we might need to drop off Buzz-Light-Year back there."

Steve kicked the back of my seat, hard. "Okay, sorry."

I dropped Steve off at the raft. Bucky and I waited in the jet for him to return with the rest of the gang.

"Thank you." I heard Bucky say.

"For what? Almost getting you killed."

"No, for helping me get out of this. Hydra, Vienna."

"I guess I just like to know who I'm fighting." Yes I see the irony.

"Nikita," He softened his voice. I turned my seat around to face him. "Were you working for Hydra when we met?" He asked me.

I looked down, unable to look at him. "I was. But, you weren't the mission." I said quickly.

"So, you knew you would have to go back. And you still decided to-" He decided not to finish the sentence.

"Bucky, I thought I had escaped them. I thought we could keep seeing each other." I said interlacing my fingers and hanging my head.

"When did they find you?" He asked.

"They brought me back a few minutes after you left that night."

"So, all that time in Hydra. Did you remember me, or did they erase that?" I think he knew the answer to the question.

I didn't realize close we were until we stopped talking. "I'm just glad we're both out of there." He whispered.

I felt his hand on my cheek and then the doors suddenly flew open. The two of us pulled apart before anyone saw us.

I turned my seat around and fired up the engines. Steve sat in the copilot seat. I felt him look at me then back at Bucky.

We dropped everyone in Egypt for a little bit while we went to give Bucky to the Wakandan's.


Sorry for the short chapter but this was a good place to stop. I hope you liked this chapter.

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