Why Do People Keep Doing This To Me

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*I recommend you play the song 'Friends Never Say Goodbye' by Elton John.*

Nikita's POV

"Remember..." Bruce locked the case shut. "You have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them...or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities."

"Don't worry, Bruce. Clip all the branches."

"You know, I tried. When I had the gauntlet, the stones, I really tried to bring her back." Bruce looked up at me. "I miss her."

"Me too."

"We all do." Steve said.

"You know, if you want, I could come with you." Sam said.

"You're a good man, Sam. This one's on me, though." Steve walked over to Bucky.

"Don't do anything stupid till I get back." Steve told him.

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you."

They gave each other a big hug, and Steve turned to me.

"I'm gonna miss you buddy." Bucky said.

"It's gonna be alright, Buck."

"I-" I cut him off.

"I don't need a bunch of mushy lines. Just come back in one piece."

"I'll try." He said giving me a hug.

He walked up the stairs to the time machine we made last minute. He tapped the GPS and picked up the hammer.

"How long is this gonna take?" Sam asked Bruce.

"For him, as long as he needs. For us, five seconds. You ready, Cap. All right, we'll meet you back here, okay?"

"You bet." And then he put on his helmet.

"Going quantum. Three...two...one." And Steve was gone. "And returning in five...four...three, two...one." Bruce clicked the button but nothing happened.

The four of us waited for Steve to just magically appear.

"Where is he?" Sam asked Bruce.

" I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here."

"Well get him back." Sam and I demanded ignoring the fact that Bucky had just walked off.

"I'm trying."

"Get him the hell back."

"Hey, I said I'm trying."

"Sam. Nikita." Bucky said.

We walked up next to him and looked at the old man he was staring at.

The three of us walked closer. "Go ahead." Bucky said to Sam. Sam walked up to talk to him as we just watched not speaking a single word to one another.

Old man Steve handed Sam the shield. He must have brought it back from before it was destroyed.

Sam looked back at us as if for permission. He looked back and picked up the shield from its covering.

When Sam and Bucky had left I walked over and sat next to Steve.

"I'm happy for you Steve, really. You got the ending you've always wanted."

"I did." He said softly looking at the skyline. "I took a chance. And, you need to take a chance to get the ending you deserve."

I let out a breathy chuckle. "I don't deserve anything. All I've done is kill, lie, and lose the people closest to me." I sighed.

"But, you've saved billions of people. That deserves a little credit." He said. "We should go."

"I just don't want to lose anyone else." Tears formed in my eyes.

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