Remembering Years We Both Lost

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*please play 'Travelin' Soldier' by The Chicks. It gave me the inspiration for this chapter.*

No One's POV

As Nikita walked through the crowded streets of Brooklyn, she accidentally ran into someone and dropped her bag.

"I'm so sorry." The gentleman said trying to catch her.

"No, no." She looked up to see the steel blue eyes of the man in front of her. "I wasn't paying attention." She laughed, her Russian accent catching him off guard.

He chuckled trying to ignore the slight pain in his shoulder. They both bent down to grab her bag.

When she picked it up he heard a sound like something had broken.

"Is something broken in there?" He asked.

She hesitated. She knew it was the bullets that had fallen out of their magazine. "Uh. No. Everything's fine." She waved.

"Well, that's good." He looked around at the crowd around them. He sighed putting his hands in his pockets. "Um, I have four tickets to an expo tomorrow night. If you and a friend want to join me and my friend." He held up the four tickets.

"It's been what, only a few minutes and your asking me on a date." She laughed crossing her arms.

"Maybe, I just want to get rid of these tickets." He shrugged with a shy smile.

"Then maybe I'll help you get rid of them."

He smiled at her response. He took a pen out of the pockets of his army pants. "I'll pick you up at 8:00."

She took the pen and wrote where they would be on the back of the ticket. "I'll see you then..." She waited for him to give his name.

"James Barnes. But just call me Bucky."

"Nikita." She put the two tickets in her bag.

They parted ways and Nikita went to see her sister. Ever since their parents split, they had been sending letters to each other keeping in touch as much as they could.

She knocked on the door and the familiar face of her sister welcomed her. Although they were twins they had a few different features.

Anna's hair was a bit more blonde while Nikita had dirty blonde hair. Anna had light freckles while Nikita had clear skin.

"It's still crazy seeing you." Anna said.

"I'm just glad we actually get to see each other." Nikita said in a soft voice.

"Don't get sentimental now." Anna rolled her eyes.

Nikita wouldn't cry even if she wanted to. She had only been away from Hydra for a few days but she still felt free. She felt like a new person. She only hoped that she could stay away. She didn't want to have to look over her shoulder, she didn't want to deal with the torture.

"I actually came here for something." She said looking down pulling the two tickets out.

"What is it." Anna squealed.

"Tickets to the Stark expo tomorrow night. But, I only got these from a...handsome man." Nikita blushed.

"Ooh." Anna cooed. Only a few days and the two girls were already acting like sisters. "Your so bashful."

"Stop it." Nikita shoved her sister. "He had four tickets and a friend who was going to go with him."

Anna looked like she was thinking very hard. "That means the four of us would go together. How do we know there not serial killers?" Anna asked.

"Come on, Anna. You live in a rut. Doing the same thing day after day. You're lonely. It's kind of sad really."

"What's sad is coming to America because she lost her job." Anna raised her brows.

It was a simple story, but believable.

"Come on!" Nikita wined. "Maybe you'll like him." She nudged her sister.

"I think you just want me to go because your shy. You like this mystery guy." Anna smiled.

"So what if I do." Nikita looked down. She wasn't used to any of this. Decisions, fun, and feelings.

"Alright, I'll go. But only because you are my sister. And what kind of sister would I be if I just watched your new relationship crumble." She perked up.

"It's not a relationship. I wouldn't put anyone at that ri-I'm not in the right position for that." She corrected herself.

"Well, it doesn't matter. We're going and we will have fun."


Nikita and Anna waited for Bucky and his friend.

She finally saw a tall handsome man in an army outfit. He waved to her and she saw a short blonde man standing next to him.

"This is my friend, Steve." He introduced.

"Hi, I'm Anna." Anna held her hand out for Steve to shake.

"Shall we go inside." Bucky suggested. Him and Nikita exchanged looks.

When they went inside Nikita didn't know what to look at.

"It's amazing!" She marveled.

It seemed like the smallest thing amazed her.

They went towards the stage and watched as Howard Stark tried to present a flying car. The car crashed only after a few seconds in the air.

Every time Nikita looked at something Bucky couldn't help but laugh at her amazement.

They spent the whole night dancing and having fun.

At the end of the night Steve and Anna had left. Nikita and Bucky were walking down the street towards Anna's place.

"When do you leave?" Nikita asked looking at his uniform.

"Tomorrow." He said in a sad voice.

"Oh." She said half heartedly hanging her head.

"I'll be stationed at the front in London." He informed.

"London!" She asked shocked. "That's really far away." She lowered her voice back down.

"Yeah, it is. But you could always write." He shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess." She looked behind her feeling like she was being watched.

"What is it?" Bucky asked.

"Nothing." She stopped at Anna's house.

"You better make it out of this war." She said with a soft voice.

"I will." He said resting his hand on her cheek.

They both leaned in closer until their lips met. It was a passionate kiss. Even if they knew they may not see each other again.

*Bucky's POV*

I woke up with a splitting headache. I don't remember anything like that ever happening.

I lifted my head to see a guy standing there.

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