Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Sarcasm, And Acceptance

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Nikita's POV

Five years later.

And in those five years I was able to gain back everything that Hydra took away.

I had searched everywhere for my sister. It turns out she was still alive and had two daughters. One lived in Ireland and the other lived in Mississippi with her daughter and five children.

They lived on a small farm with Anna.

If I'm honest. Sometimes I wished I could go back and be here with them every step. Every birthday, every Christmas. But it was all taken. And now I helped make toast for the chopped beef gravy.

It was around 9:00 when Anna came out of her room.

I walked over to help her navigate her way around. Although she was blind she still knew away around the house, but it still made me nervous.

"Dobroye utro." She said.(Good morning) We found it was easier for her to speak Russian at her age. Since it was her first language.

"Kak ty sebya chuvstvuyesh' segodnya Anna?"(how are you feeling today, Anna?)

"Khorosho, khorosho." She replied in a weak voice. (Good,good)

Finally breakfast was ready. Anna's grand daughter, Jade and I went to wake up the kids.

She took Josh and Hunter. I took Kinsley, Kennedy, and Kimberly. Why they would make the triplet's names similar I had no clue.

We went up the stairs and took of towards their rooms.

First was Kimberly. Her room was always neat and just like her sisters she had two trophy cases. She had many soccer and volleyball trophies and metals. She also had a wall covered with the book shelves. She had all the books arranged by the authors. With all the books she had, she had started laying some in her closet and thinking we wouldn't notice the new ones she had under her bed.

Next I had to say Kinsley. Her room was always messy. Sometimes I didn't want to go in her room for fear of stepping on something. She had a shelf full of softball trophies and medals covering that wall. She had a desk covered with paint and other art supplies.

Finally it was Kennedy's turn. I walked into her room which was practically empty. She had a simple bed, trophy case, and desk. She had lots of gymnastics and cheerleading trophies and medals. She also had a desk with a bunch of books on history. I would say it was Anna's fault for that. She kept telling Kennedy stories about her life in the 40's and now Kennedy loves history.

I dragged them all out of bed and we semi walked down the stairs.

We all took our seats at the table and started eating. It was early and no one had anything to say, other than Josh who was telling us about his weird dream.

Looking over this table of people made me feel guilty. I had another family waiting for me at the Avengers compound. I would go up there for a week then I would come back here for another month. But, it also made me happy. I didn't have to worry about the end of the world. I just had to worry about cleaning up the horses stables. None of them had gotten blipped and I was lucky to have found them.

Then I remembered today was my last day til I had to go to the compound. That place used to be a home to me. A place where I felt safe, but now it was a reminder of my life as an Avenger. It reminded me I had a family waiting for me half way across the country.

Suddenly my phone buzzed and a message popped up on the screen. Everyone looked towards me with a sad look.

"I thought you didn't have to leave till tonight?" Josh asked in confusion.

I picked up the phone and read the message from Nat. "Get up here. Now!"

I guess they all saw the confusion on my face because they shared the same look.

"I-I have to go." I said getting up from the table.

Anna's daughter, Nicole and Jade followed me up stairs.

"What's going on?" Nicole asked.

"I just have to leave earlier today." I lied. I got out my bag and packed a few small things. I already had clothes at the compound and other things.

"But you don't usually hurry off this fast." Jade said.

"I know it's just..." I sighed. "I'll be back in a week. It's really not that long." I said heading for the door.


Kinda a short chapter but we're in the endgame now.

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