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Atropos POV


For this mission I was being paired with someone. The Winter Soldier. I had no idea why. I had gone on countless missions alone.

I read over the file as I waited in the jet. A man with shoulder length hair and a metal arm walked in. I didn't bother to keep looking at him. This mission was quick and easy.

The plan was to pick up weapons from some guy and then find a scientist. We were going to bring him back to Hydra and they would have him work for them. MAdripoor was the only good meeting place, since there were little to no laws here.

The jet landed and we got out. Unlike the soldier I didn't have a mask. But I did have a gun and that was good enough for me.

We walked in silence to the meeting point to get the guns.

"Ah. It is always good doing business with Kaprov." We gave him the money and he just looked at us strange. "Do you even speak English?" He gave us a smug look.

"Give us the weapons, now." I demanded losing my temper.

"All right, all right." He handed the bag of weapons to the soldier. He checked the bag to make sure everything was in there.

When we were sure everything was there and paid for, we made our way to a tall building so we could meet with the scientist.

We waited in a bar kind of place, it was crowded with people, it smelled bad, and most of all, the music was pounding a whole through my head.

"Hey, babe, what do you say me and you go for a little walk?" A creepy guy asked me. He had almost none of his teeth and he smelt revolting.

When I didn't say anything he tried again. "Was I being to subtle?"

I couldn't help it anymore and I just punched the guy in the face. There was loud crack and his nose started to gush blood.

To any Super Soldier that would have just pissed them off, but I just broke this guy's nose. Was I growing a concussion, no. I kicked him into a table and he fell to the ground crying out in pain.

Everyone in the room seemed to back up. I saw a man approach me and the soldier. Please not another one. This guy looked like a timid guy.

He had a pinstripe shirt that was tucked into his old man pants. He looked us up and down.

"Are you the ones working for Kaprov?" He asked us in a stuttering and annoying voice.

I just nodded. "Great, where is he?" He asked.

"Follow us." Those were the only two words I heard the soldier speak.

As we made our way back to the jet we ran into some trouble.

"Hey jackasses." The soldier and I turned around and I felt a sharp pain in my leg. That son of a bitch just shot me.

I grabbed my gun and shot the man right in his forehead.

Everyone around us started pulling out guns and shouting.


The doctor ran as fast as his little science legs would carry him.

I tried to dodge every bullet that just barely missed my face, and I tried to ignore the pain in my leg.

When we finally got to the jet I practically threw the doctor inside as the soldier helped me limp inside.

I plopped down on a seat and tried to put pressure on the wound.

After a long trip we finally made it back to Siberia. I was rushed into medical.

I really screwed that up, but the guy had shot first so what was I supposed to do?

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