A Good Day To Get Shot

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Nikita's POV

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Nikita's POV

"Hydra doesn't like leaks." Sitwell said.

"Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?" Sam said looking into his rear view mirror.

"Insight's launching in 16 hours. We're cutting it a little close here." I said leaning forward so they could hear me.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly."

"What? Are you crazy? That is a terrible terrible idea." Just as Sitwell finished a loud thud came from the roof of the car.

Out of nowhere something grabs Sitwell and threw him over the bridge.

I saw a flash of metal and knew exacting what was going to happen. The man on the roof shot his gun and the bullet just barely missed my head. I jumped into the passenger seat on Steve and pulled his head down while pushing Sam's head out of the way with my foot.

Steve put the car into park right there, and the Winter Soldier flew off the roof of the car into on going traffic.

Cars and trucks swerved around us. I pulled out my gun to shoot him but just then a car came from behind and hit our car.

I dropped the gun and flew forward. The truck behind kept pushing us forward until we were about to run into the Winter Soldier.

He then jumped onto the roof again.

Sam slammed on the breaks. I felt around for my gun on the floor and finally found it.

The Winter Soldier's metal arm broke the windshield and pulled out the steering wheel on Sam's car.

"Shit!" He screamed.

I grabbed the gun and started firing in the air hoping I would hit his foot or something.

I saw the Winter Soldier jump onto the hood of the truck behind us.

Sam hit the gas with no steering of any kind.

Steve grabbed the shield and pushed the door off the car. In mid air he grabbed us all and we slid on the car door until we came to a stop.

I noticed Sam had fallen off but seemed unharmed.

The truck with the Winter Soldier went past us. A guy got out of the driver seat and handed the soldier a gun. A big one.

He aimed and fired at me and Steve. Steve pushed me out of the way and held up the shield.

It hit him and we went flying off the bridge.


Me and Sam ran behind cars as agents started shooting. I fired back at them, but I only had one small gun and they probably had more guns in their truck.

I got out my small knife and threw it at a man's chest. He fell to the ground dropping his gun.

I fired directly at the Winter Soldier but he blocked the bullet with his metal arm. He raised his gun at me and fired.

I jumped onto the other side of the bridge where the traffic was going the other way. I almost got hit by a car but rolled out of the way.

I jumped over another car and kept running against traffic. The soldier fired again and this time I had no choice but to jump off the bridge.

I landed on the ground hard and saw the car coming down. I rolled under the bridge and out of the way.

I kept running til I got to the other side of the bridge. I saw the Winter Soldier's shadow ready to fire at me when I came out on that end.

I took the last few of my bullets and shot up at him getting him in the eyes.

I ran behind a bigger truck waiting for him. He got back up and started to fire at anything that moved.

I fired while he was distracted and he fired back at me. I finally ran down the street behind cars yelling at people to get out of the way.

I started to record as I ran and set the recording down behind a car. I ran to the other side of the street and waited for the Winter Soldier.

I heard an explosion and jumped and knocked the gun out of his hands.

I kicked him in the chest so hard it would have cracked a grown mans ribs, but it seemed to only knock the wind out of him.

I grabbed onto his neck and threw myself onto his shoulders

I pulled on a cord and pulled as hard as I could to wrap it around his neck.

He walked back and slammed be against a car and pulled me off him and threw me onto the ground.

I landed on another car.

Just as he picked up his gun I pulled a small disk and threw it at his metal arm. It would only disable it for a second.

I took this as my chance to leave.

"Get out of the way! Stay out of the way!" I yelled at civilians.

I heard a gun shot and a sharp pain stung through my shoulder. I ducked and turned around to see the Winter Soldier coming towards me.

My gun was ahead of me and I couldn't reach it in time.

I stood up and quickly pulled the bullet out of my shoulder. I ran to the side and pulled out another knife that I kept strapped close to my ankle so it was hidden by my boots.

I waited for the Winter Soldier and pointed the knife so it would go the his heart. He blocked it and twisted my arm. "Blin!"(Damn it!) I said in Russian as a sharp pain went through my shoulder and down my arm.

I looked in his icy blue eyes and looked back with pure hatred. I smiled to myself as I twisted my body with my twisted arm so now his arm was over my shoulder and I flipped him into a nearby car.

I ran to take cover behind a car. I had dropped my knife but I couldn't go back for it now. I looked over my shoulder and saw the Winter Soldier on top of a car pointing a gun at me.

I layed down and heard a loud bang. I heard a series of gun shots and saw Steve and the Soldier fighting.

I saw that his bigger gun had been dropped. I picked it up like a reasonable person would.

I saw Steve and the Winter Soldier stand there. The Soldier's mask had fallen off to reveal his face. Steve stared at him like a long lost friend.

"Bucky?" Steve whispered in surprise.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He pulled out a gun and aimed it at Steve. Sam quickly flew in and knocked him over but he got back up and aimed the gun again, I took this chance to fire.

I leaned up against a van. I heard sirens and saw black vans coming at us.

Steve and I looked at each other because we knew what was about to happen.

"Drop the shield Captain, get on your knees!" Rumlow ordered.

"Get down, get down!" We did as we were told seeing as they all had guns at our heads.

They put our hands in cuffs and dragged us into the van. I winced as the man dragged me by my bad shoulder.

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