The Whole World Is Watching (2)

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Bucky's POV

"Uh-uh. No, no, no. This is a bad idea." John had been pacing around the room.

"It hasn't been ten minutes, John. Just sit tight." I told him.

"Don't do that. Don't patronize me."

"He knows what he's doing." Nikita told him leaning against the door frame.

John stood there for a moment and then he picked up the shield and walked towards the door. "I'm goin' in." He announced.

Nikita pushed herself off the door frame and stopped him. She stood between him and the door until he scoffed. But she didn't move. John looked at her with pure hate and then I got up and stood next to her.

"This is all really easy for you two, isn't it?" Walker said to her. "All that serum runnin' through your veins."

I saw Nikita go tense. I was tempted to let her beat the shit out of John. He had no idea what the serum had done to us. And with that serum we were used as weapons. At least she got the chance to use the serum for something good when she was an Avenger.

She just stared at him. If he walked through that door before ten minutes was up I would kill him.

"Listen you two, your partner needs packup in there." John looked past us. "Do you really want his blood on your hands?"


"Karli Morgenthau, you're under arrest." Walker walked in.

"So this is what that was?" Karli looked accusingly at Sam.

"No, wait..."

"Tricking me until your backup arrived?"

"We've had enough time to talk." Walker walked up to Karli. "Why don't you..." She punched at him and he blocked it with the shield. The punch was so hard he was thrown into Sam.

Karli ran out of the room and Nikita and I chased after her. She jumped onto the second level of stair.

We followed the action and kept going after her.

She ran into a room full of people, they let her pass by but the second we touched the ground they charged us. We just pushed our way through the crowd.

Once we had lost the crowd we ran up a small flight of stairs. We lost her.

"Shit." Sam ran into the room.

"We lost her." Nikita told him.

"This place is a maze." The three of us ran around the building aimlessly.

We came to an open door and we picked up the pace. We ran through and saw John.

Zemo was on the floor with all the super soldier serum bottles broken. Lemar ran in a few seconds later. Karli was nowhere to be seen.

"What did we miss?" Sam asked sarcastically.


"Something's not right about Walker." I said as Nikita and I walked in. I took off my jacket and threw it on the counter.

"You don't say." Sam said.

"Well, I know a crazy when I see one."

"Takes one to know one." Nikita said under her breath.

"Can't argue with that." Sam agreed with Nikita.

"Shouldn't have given him the shield. And, hey. You're one to talk." I told him and pointed to Nik.

"I didn't give him the shield." Sam got up.

"Well, Steve definitely didn't."

Just then the doors busted open and John walker in with his sidekick.

"All right. That's it. Let's go. I'm now ordering you to turn him over."

"Hey, slow your roll." We all got up. "Shield or no shield, the only thing you're runnin' here is your mouth. Now, I had Karli and you overstepped. He's actually proven himself useful today. And we're gonna need all hands on deck for whatever's comin' next." Sam told him.

"How do you want the rest of this conversation to go, Sam, huh? Yeah. Should I put down the shield. Make it fair?" Walker leaned the shield up against a pillar.

A spear flew right past his head. The Dora Milaje stormed in. Looks like times up.

"Even if he is a means to your end...Time's up." Ayo told Pitta in Wakandan. "Release him to us now." She turned back to English for the rest of them to understand.

"Hi. John Walker. Captain America." He looked at her like he expected her to ask for his autograph. "Well, let's, uh, put down the pointy sticks and we can talk this through, huh?"

"He, John, take it easy." Sam said.

"You might want to fight Bucky before you tangle with the Dora Milaje." Nikita told him. I was pretty sure if the two of us tried to fight them, we would lose.

"The Dora Milaje don't have jurisdiction here..."

"The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be." Ayo said.

"Okay. Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot." He put his hand on her shoulder.

She knocked his hand off and hit the back of his knee with her spear then hit him in the head with it then kicked him backwards. He flew into the spear that was still stuck in the pillar.

He grabbed the shield and held it up just before she was about to stab him with the point of the spear.

The other two warriors attacked as well.

"We should do something." Sam said.

I was not about to fight the Dora Milaje, and I could tell Nikita was thinking the same thing.

"Looking strong, John." I said as Walker got his ass beat.

"I'm putting 20 on the Dora Milaje." Nikita turned around to face Sam.

"Come on..."

Nikita got up and walked over to Ayo.

When Ayo was about to kill Walker Nikita grabbed just below the spear head and turned the spear away from Walker's face.

"Ayo." She wasn't having it. "Ayo, let's talk about this." As Nikita still had a tight grip on the spear Ayo threw her across the room.

I helped her to her feet. "Okay, this was a bad idea."

We got up and Ayo pointed her spear right where my metal arm connected to my body. I knocked it away and she replaced it with her hand. I don't know what she did, but my arm fell to the floor.

I looked at her with shock. I didn't speak much Wakandan but whatever she said me obviously wasn't good.

She walked into the bathroom hopping to find Zemo but he wasn't there.

"He is gone. Leave it." Ayo told one of her warriors who had taken the shield form Walker.

After they left I picked up my arm. "Did you know they could do that?" Sam asked me as I put my arm back on.


The three of us walked over to the bathroom. The lid to the sewers was open.

"I can't believe he pulled an El Chapo." Sam said.

"I can. Come on."

"I told you it was a bad idea." Nikita told me.

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