Time For A Battle

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Nikita's POV

We rode all the way to the border of the city. We were met with two angry aliens. It seemed the third one was still recovering.

Nat, Steve, T'Challa, and I went to meant them.  When they refused to surrender we walked back to the rest of the army.

"Did they surrender?" Bucky asked.

"Not exactly." I mumbled.

We prepared for the battle. The Wakandan warriors readied their shields and spears.

The alien army tried to breach the barrier when they kept burning and being sliced apart.

Some were getting through while others went around the barrier. "Their killings themselves." Nat stated.

Finally T'Challa told Shuri to open this section of the barrier.

We started fighting the aliens and trying to hold them back and keep them away from Vision and Shuri.

After what felt like forever a bright funnel came down from the blue sky. Emerging from the funnel was Thor, a tree, and a raccoon.

They started helping us fight the aliens. I felt we were doing good when I heard someone call for help on the comms.

I was on my way to help Vision when I saw the alien woman hit Wanda.

"He'll die alone. As will you." She spoke in an evil voice.

"She's not alone." I said confidently.

Okoye stood on the other side of the female alien.

The alien lady stabbed at Okoye and she moved out of the way but stepped in a hole and fell back.

She turned to me and swept her weapon under my feet. I just and landed on my feet then dropped down the the ground and used my leg to knock her off her feet.

When a giant machine weapon came barreling towards us

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When a giant machine weapon came barreling towards us. Wanda used her powers to throw the alien up in the air and she was crushed.

"Disgusting." I said wiping alien blood off my face. It was blue and sticky.

Wanda quickly took of towards the mountains. Mostly likely because that's where Vision was.

I got up and ran as fast as I could in the direction Wanda went.

When I finally saw other people. I not only saw people, but also a giant purple sumo wrestler dude. He had a golden gauntlet on his hand which had five small stones on it.

He already had five and all he needed was Vision's.

I ran as fast as I could in his direction. I ended up being between him and Vision and Wanda. If Wanda was going to destroy the stone, she would need time.

Thanks threw his purple fist towards my head. I caught it and stepped onto his knee. I used my other foot to push on his spine while still holding his fist.

He used his other fist and grabbed me by the arm and threw me into the tree.

I felt someone's hand on my arm. "Nik!" Someone echoed. "Nikita!" I opened my eyes to see Bucky.

I tried to get up but he stopped me. "Don't try to move." He said. "Stay here." And with that I watched as he ran to fight the giant.

I tried to stand up but was stopped by a shooting pain in my ankle.

I hobbled his direction. I would not sit there and watch. I took and my batons and connected them.

I hit him in the back of his leg, careful of my ankle. I then hit him in the eye with the end of my batons.

I then jabbed the ends into his stomach. I tried not to show my broken ankle, as he could use that to his advantage.

He finally held up his fist and one of the stones glowed red. The Thanos I was fighting disappeared and I looked behind me. The real Thanks was holding Vision by the neck.

Wanda tried to stop him but he threw her into the tree. Thanos ripped the stone from Vision's head.

I didn't see what else went on due to my blurred vision. The tears started to form in my eyes. Now he was unstoppable.

I saw an ace strike Thanos in the chest. Thor flew in and pressed the ace further in.

Thanos held up his hand and a lot of things happened.

He snapped his fingers and he disappeared in a cloud of blue.

"Nikita." I heard Bucky behind me.

First his hand turned to dust, then the rest of him. He disappeared in a cloud of ash as he hit the ground.

"Bucky!" I cried as I ran to the pile of ash. I swept my hand over the ashes.

"What just happened?" Rhodes asked as Steve dropped next to me.

"Oh, God." Steve whispered.

"Did we just lose?" I asked only loud enough for us to hear.

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