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Author's POV

"So a guy has been bothering you since yesterday?"

She nods her head agreeing what Namjoon just asked to her. She told him everything how a person has been really creeping her out.

"And that person himself told you that he is the one not me?"

"Yes you are right."

"That's why you were scared today morning?"


She stops breathing when Namjoon spits his questions. She doesn't know that she was being this obvious. She entwines her fingers in each other and started playing with them. She ducks her head and looks at her lap colliding her both lips tightly.


"But I still doesn't understand one thing."

Jaemi notices Namjoon has grown a little confident while talking to her compared to before. But she immediately wonder what he doesn't understand.

"He doesn't mention I was the guy who was with you, how did you know?"

Her eyes widen a little listening to his question. A blush spread across her cheeks as she turns her face to other direction. Namjoon looks at her confused not knowing why she turned her face? Did he messed up? She is pissed at him again? He started cursing himself mentally for asking such question.

"I.. I am sorry I shouldn't have -"

"That perfume."

She speaks. She looks back at him as he looks at her. He doesn't know what she is talking about. What perfume? Jaemi was oddly awkward when she mentioned it. She bit her inner cheek which made Namjoon's breathe hitch. It was weirdly attractive to him for some reasons. He immediately started coughing to distract his mind. She passes him the water and he accepts it thanking her.

"Today you wore that lavender perfume. Which is the only thing I knew about that guy who kinda made me less scared that night before passing out. It was exact same fragnance. And also you mentioned how you are wearing that perfume since last year every day. I know it's not enough to assume but I kinda felt it's you. And I asked you if it's you and you literally agreed."

She smelt his perfume.

His heart is thumping so loudly that anyone can hear it. He put his hand on his chest trying to control this feeling. Is he allowed to feel this way? Even now when Jaemi now thinks that he is innocent? No one can change the fact that Namjoon is so in love with her but that doesn't give him to force her to fall in love with him as well. It's against his principles.

He clears his throat and nods not knowing what to respond. Jaemi looks at him expecting him to say something. He is looking down at floor right now. He sneakily peeks over to her just to find out she is already looking at him.

"Waah I was so stupid not to realise that it's not you. I mean look at you, you are acting like a pabo right now. Tsk tsk."

She just gave him a backhand compliment. He looks at her surprisingly. Did she just made fun of him? He looks at her figure who was trying so hard to control her laugh. But Namjoon's shocking face made her break into laughter. To her he was looking so funny. He shakes his head.

"Am I clown?"

He asks her.

"I fear so."

She says in between her laughs. Eventually a beautiful smile spread on Namjoon's face looking at her all laughing for a silly reason. He just made her not even smile but laugh too. They both have evolved a lot. This relationship started with pure hatred of Jaemi for Namjoon. She used to feel disgusted living in same roof as him. Slowly her hatred started to perish for some reasons. Now that she knows he is not that person anymore she doesn't feel anything but guilt for thinking most of these days that he is the real one.

She can't even imagine how much pain how much humiliation Namjoon had been facing for the accusation for the thing he never did. Anyone would've gave up on their life till now if they how through same as Namjoon. It wasn't only her but him as well. Both are victims.

She eventually stops laughing and looks at his grinned face. She is ready to make it up for her mistake. She grins looking at him and stands up. He eventually looks at her what happened? She slowly comes towards him and forward her hands.

"Let's be friends now. No grudge no hate now."

She offers her hand to create new relationship between them. Friendship. He looks at her hand not knowing what to do. It was completely like a dream to him. Her glare started to get blurry because of tears. He sniffs controlling himself not to break down Completely in front of her.

"I wanna make up for the mistakes I did. I know you'll say I didn't know but still. And now talking to you, I realise you are the easiest person to talk to. I.. felt good. So let's be friends."

He still can't believe those words are coming out of Jaemi's mouth. Never in all these days he expected her to say these words to him. It was like an illusion to him. He wipes his tears with his forearm. He slowly forwards his hand and collides his hands with her marking the beginning of this beautiful friendship.

"I can't believe this."

His voice was breaking making obvious that he wants to cry so bad. Jaemi kinda tighten the grip of her hand on him. They are still joining hands. Her tightening the grip relieved Namjoon in many ways. This was their first affectionate physical contact between each other.

"Well you should believe now. You just made a friend. I'll be a good friend to you. I promise."

She loosens the grip on his hand as their hands gets seperated. She puts her hand on his shoulder and pats it two times before going out of his room. She was at door about to leave but stops when she hears Namjoon words.

"Thank you."

She turns around and looks at him.


"Thank you."

She gives him a cheeky smile and nods and leaves his room. Namjoon smiles to himself making sure that he won't disappoint Jaemi ever. He just gained her trust and he will make sure to protect her and to make her happy.



Ayo Ayo a Chapter full of Namjoon X Jaemi cute moments 😚 but don't go anywhere vote and comment on this chapter and swipe up. Double update (;

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