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Namjoon's POV

It's been 3 days since I'm locked in my room. I just can't believe what I just did. I haven't eaten properly since then and I haven't contacted anyone. My parents are trying to talk to me but it's useless. I just committed a sin. I raped a girl. I can't believe I just did this. I am checking my phone continuosly of an update of that girl who got to face this because of me. She is still unconscious.

Her family must've a huge impact of it. Everytime I see her pic, I feel so relaxed but then immediately my thoughts get interrupted by the fact that I assaulted this girl. Then I heard knock on the door of my room.

"Namjoon-ah. Please open the door. Mom really want to see your face. Joon, (crying) please open the door."

My mom was crying while banging the door. I can't really face anyone in this world now. I just wanna die. That's when a notification pop up in my phone. It was a message from my friend Hoseok.

Namjoon-ah why are you troubling your parents?

Just reply buddy!!

I know what you are going through and i can bet that u didn't do such things.

Remember that night u pushed that Chicky girl even though she was all over you. I can't believe you can do such thing.

Joon, your mom is really crying so bad please open the door and interact with people.

This is just your thinking nothing else.

I just turned off my phone and put it beside me. I hugged my legs and started sobbing. She must've had pain alot. She must've begged me to leave her. She must've wanted to die at that time.

These thoughts were like the daggers on my back. These thoughts were killing me and my soul. I squeezed my eyes and a fat drop of tear left my eye. Just the thought of Jaemi was disturbing me. I hope she wake up soon.

Jaemi's POV

"I will make sure that you tremble in pain and won't able to walk for months."

My eyes widen as that guy was coming towards me. I was backing my pace to get away from him but it was of no use. I was getting dizzy. I can't see his face. I can just see he is wearing Purple shirt and have dark hairs.

"Why are you doing this?"

I say so slowly as my voice wasn't able to come out of my mouth. I was unable to run , scream or anything.

"Oh so little kitten is scared? Don't be scared I will just have some fun with you."

I try to scream but failed but then again I try to talk.

"Who are you?"

He started to laugh like a maniac then he spoke.

"Wanna know? *laughs* I am Namjoon, Kim Namjoon."

That's when my eyes shot open while I'm screaming. I saw I'm in an hospital and some nurses rushed towards me. So it's not a dream. That actually happened to me. I started screaming from the top of my lungs as I realised that my life just got ruin and it was unbearable for me.

Some monster snatched the innocence out of me.

I was crying , crying and crying. I started to shake and wanted to get out of here and die as soon as possible. That's when my family came inside the hospital room. I saw my mother hugging me while crying, my father helding my right hand sobbing and my Brother kneeling Infront of me looking at me crying. What just happened to me.


I said while screaming and shaking as the pain was unbearable, not Physically but emotionally. I wished I could die at that moment. My brother held my legs as I was wiggling them with so much pace. My mother hugged me tightly to calm me down. My father held my hand with both of his hands and started rubbing it.

"Honey calm down. Nothing happened just calmed down."

That's when doctor entered in the room and ordered nurses to hold me with strength so that I won't move. My family leave me and then nurses hold a tight grip on me. I was still wobbling like my life depends on it. That's when I saw him take out a syringe and an injection.


But then he immediately inserted injection in me. I screamed with all of my energy. After like some minutes I started to feel sleepy. And I don't know when everything went black.

Author's POV

After giving a sleeping injection to Jaemi. She felt asleep after some minutes. Doctor sighed by looking at her condition. Her family were a crying mess looking at their daughter's condition. Then Jimin spoke.

"Doctor, what happened to her? She was so much shaky."

"Mr. Park, she went to a severe trauma. It is unacceptable to her that she faced such a nasty act. I know it will be hard but love , support and care will be enough for her to get back to her normal self and i have to inform police that she gained consciousness."

Jimin nodded and bowed to doctor. Doctor left the room and Jimin sat on the chair of the room. He saw his mother and father sobbing. It was like a hurricane to their lives that destroyed all of the happiness in just one snap.

Their lives were sweet like a fairytale where everything was going with so much ease and happiness. There were no trace of sadness and grief. Everyone there were living their dream. But one day , a dark time came which destroyed their lives in a snap of its finger. And that time can't even go back at what was like before. It was irreversible.


Namjoon tripped from his bed when he read an article about Jaemi gaining her consciousness. He joined his hands and thanked God to listen to his prayer. He was so happy that Jaemi is alive. Tears welled up in his eyes as he was so happy. He was this happy after 3 whole days.

Then he continued to read the article. It was mention that her condition is not so good as she is in trauma of facing such act. The smile on his face suddenly dropped in nano second.

He threw his phone in some corner of his bed and looked at his feet. He started to squirl his feet inward and gritted his teeth as it was his fault that she is facing this.

"What did I just do?"

He said while tears flowing from his cheeks. He immediately wiped his tears and picked up his phone. He looked at Jaemi's picture.

"Mianhae. Just because of me, you are facing it. I'm truely sorry.'


A/n:-  leave your thoughts :))
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