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Author's POV

"Appa what's this? Does that-"

Jo Hyun was on phone that's when Taehyung came with some men from Taewoon to Ilsan to capture Jo Hyun. Mr. Kim was sitting in car waiting for Taehyung to take him. When he saw Taehyung coming towards him he stopped talking. Taehyung took out his ID and showed him. Jo Hyun's eyes widen as he saw he is a detective not a normal but a really higher position one.

"H..how can I help you?"

Taehyung scoffs at his act. He grabs his arm but Jo Hyun slaps his out in frustration. Taehyung tilts his face and runs his tongue through his teeth trying to calm him down.

"Come with me with peace otherwise I'd have to take you by insulting here itself for what you did."

"I did nothing sir."

"You'll know what you did but you have to come with me. You have no choice Mr. Jo Hyun."

Jo Hyun looks at his phone and looks at the time. He thinks for couple of seconds and agrees. He peacefully went with Taehyung till car and sits in it. As he sits he sees Mr. Kim sitting on back seat all dressed up as always in his lawyer attire. Jo Hyun's lip parted as he immediately identified him. He is his former best friend dad.

"Oh uncle Kim? Nice to meet you. This is surprising?"

But he didn't answer anything. He even scoffed how Jo Hyun is acting all innocent. He decided to stay quiet and wait till they reach to some place so that he can have some answers. Taehyung's sits in front at passenger's seat and one of the men drives them to one place.

They go to the farm house which Mr. Kim own in Ilsan where no one lives. Kim family used to go there when Namjoon was a kid to spend some time. As he grow older they shifted to Seoul and settled there. This will be after 20 years they are going to that place.

In 1 and half hour they reached to that place. Jo Hyun gets out of the car, let me correct, Mr. Kim kinda pushed him, not harshly but yeah he pushed him to go outside. They all walks towards the door as the memories gets back in front of Mr. Kim eyes.

Those chuckles of his wife and son while playing and Mr. Kim taking photos of them laughing as well. How Namjoon used to trip and fell and cry like a cute baby and Mrs. Kim pulling him in embrace. Mr. Kim has a whole universe of beautiful memories of this place. A small smile creeps on his face as he opens the door.

As he opens the door, the dust was flying everywhere. It was Hella dirty. Everyone started coughing. Taehyung started fanning in front of him to make everything more visible to him as it was lots of dust there. They saw a dinning table with 4 chairs. They cleaned that and sat there making Jo Hyun sit there too and Taewoon's men went outside gate keeping of Jo Hyun tries to run so they could catch him.

𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄✓Where stories live. Discover now