Imayoshi x reader

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Title: Tutoring
No Warning

Imayoshi watched as you did your homework. He had a massive crush on you, and he wanted to get closer to you; the only thing was he hardly got the chance to. Between basketball after school and you always around your best friend (friends/name). However, this was his chance since it was the last bell of the day, study period, and your friend was sick.
He got up and gathered everything of his before walking to you. He would speak, but he realized you had headphones in, so he tapped your shoulder. You looked up and took your headphones out, and tilted your head to the side. He fought back a blush that wanted to appear on his cheeks.

"She is adorable...." He said he meant to say it in his head, but that wasn't exactly what happened.

"W-What?" Once he realized what he said aloud, he turned a bright red.

"I-I mean, can I sit with you?"

"Oh, yeah, sure." You said with a slight blush, but you still flashed him a kind smile. He set his stuff down and sat across from you; you put one earbud in and went back to doing your homework. He watched as you struggled with a math problem; he tapped your notebook and leaned over it.

"That's not right; here is the correct formula..." He wrote the formula down for you, and your eyes widened as he quickly explained it to you.

"Oh, I get it now. Thank you, Imayoshi, so it's like this?" You worked on the following problem, and he watched.

"Close, you missed a step." He compared the two formulas, and you blinked slightly.

"Oh right..." You fixed the problem, and he nodded his head.

"Yep, you got it right now."

"Awesome, thank you... Hey, do you think you can tutor me in math?" You asked. Imayoshi perked up a bit with a smirk. He didn't plan on tutoring you, but it definitely would help him grow closer to you.

"Yeah, it would have to be after basketball practice, though."

"Of course, I understand. You are the best; I could hug you right now." You said, feeling relieved, and he laughed softly. This had worked out better than he thought.

"Well, I can take that hug anytime..." He said, and you blushed slightly. He reached over and stroked your blushing cheeks, and he was tempted to lean over and kiss you.

"W-Well, let me give you a hug then..." You said with a slight blush and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, returning the hug. He buried his face into your neck before pulling you into his lap. You squeaked softly, and he didn't move, though you just sat there trying to avoid eye contact with him or anyone else for that matter.

Once the bell rang, you and Imayoshi got up from your position and began to gather your stuff. He gently grabbed your hand after you were ready to go.

"You are adorable when you blush, by the way. I can take in that sight all the time." He hummed, and you nudged him slightly.

"Stop that; it's embarrassing, Imayoshi." You said, hiding your face with your hair. He removed the hair from your face and quickly kissed your cheek as you guys arrived at the gym. You stared at him wide-eyed as he went to the boy's locker room to change. Your heart rate began to increase in speed as you had taken in the last few minutes.

You shook your head quickly, knowing that you were falling for the slanted eye male. You had a massive crush on him since the beginning of the year. But now your heart was doing flips after the kiss to the cheek, could he possibly like you? You stood off to the side, watching as practice started.

The team knew Imayoshi was trying to impress you, and it worked. You never saw them play a game because you were always busy studying. Whenever Imayoshi scored, he would glance at you with a proud smirk. You flashed him a smile. He would go back to focusing on practice again.
The practice had lasted for a few hours, and you had decided to go sit down. When it finally ended, Imayoshi changed before coming to get you again.

"Ready (L/N)?"

"Yeah, I am." He grabbed your hand, walking out of the gym, ignoring his teammates.

"You were amazing, Imayoshi..."

"Thank you, have you never been to our games?"

"No, I was always studying."

"Let me guess, math?"


"Well, you have me now. So come to our games and cheer me on."

"Alright, I will." You said, and Imayoshi smiled as he led you to his home. The walk was quiet, but it wasn't awkward. You both enjoyed the silence, just being in the other's presence.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, he first unlocked the door and allowed you in. You both removed your shoes before going to his bedroom. You began to get nervous, realizing you guys were utterly alone. He walked past you and sat on his bed before he looked over at you.

"Come, you can sit beside me." He patted the spot next to him on the bed, and you nervously walked closer to him.

"Don't be nervous; I won't do anything that you are uncomfortable with." You felt a bit more at ease and sat beside him, taking out your math books. You both began to focus on the homework and studying for upcoming tests. By the time you both were done studying, it was already much later than you expected. Imayoshi had his head on your lap somewhere along the study session, and you were again the headboard. You finally closed your math book, massaging your temples.

"Thanks to you, I think I am starting to understand it." You said, and he adjusted his glasses.

"It's no problem. It allowed me to become this close to you."

"What?" You were confused, and he slowly sat up but in a way that he was right in front of your face.

"I like you a lot (L/N), it was hard to get close because your best friend was glued to your side during school, and after school, I had basketball practice. So when you asked if I could tutor you, it was the perfect opportunity." His confidence went down a bit, but you smiled.

"Imayoshi, I have liked you since the beginning of the school year." He smiled slightly and cupped your cheeks gently.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Of course..." You had a slight blush, but you were smiling. He soon placed his lips on top of yours gently. Your eyes fluttered close, and you both could feel fireworks exploding in your chest. You began to kiss back, and Imayoshi wrapped his arms around your waist, so you were flushed against his body. He gently laid you down on your back, careful so you wouldn't hit your head against the headboard. You wrapped your arms around his neck as the kiss continued. He licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance, and you quickly gave him access.
Imayoshi slipped his tongue past your lips and easily dominated your mouth. He explored the foreign territory, and he grew addicted to the kiss. He sucked on your tongue, causing a small moan to escape your lips. The sound caused you to blush a deep red, and Imayoshi enjoyed the sound. Soon you both parted from the kiss panting, breathless from it all.

"Wow, that was amazing." You said, and he smirked, pecking your lips.

"God, I love you so much (Y/N)..."

"I love you too..." He leaned back down and captured your lips again, causing you to laugh softly.

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