Kuroko x Older Sister!Reader

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Title: Bambino aka Mini Me
No Warning

You stood on the side lines watching your younger brother play. You never went to his games, and quite frankly people didn't know you existed because you were always busy. Now you had all the time in the world to support your little Bambino.

"BAMBINO!" You cheered when he stopped the purple haired giant from scoring, and the buzzer went off. The sound of the nickname made him freeze and turn to you. You waved and he was shocked to see, you could hear people question what that meant and who you were talking to.

"Kuroko, who is that?" Kagami asked as he waved to you.

"My older sister."

"Ehhh?!" Everyone kn the team yelled, including Kise, and Murasakibara. Aomine was surprised too as hos eyes traveled to your chest.

You ran down to where their locker room was, and waited. You didn't notice a blonde and a dark blue haired guys were there as well.

"Are you really Kurokocchi's older sister?"

"Yep, you guys know him?"

"We went to middle school with him."

"Oh, okay."

"How come we never seen you at any of Tetsu's games?" The dark blue hair male asked.

"Well, it clashed with my volleyball games. Not to mention I am a university student, we are on break so yeah."

"Nii-chan... what are you doing here?" You turned to see your cute adorable brother and hugged him.

"Break for the winter, so I get to support you."

"Okay, will you be staying at home or..."

"Yep, you can't get away from me my little Bambino..." Kuroko cracked a small smile at the nickname that he missed and hugged you back.

"He is so lucky, she is so cute."

"No kidding."

"Careful, I am in university. You guys are way too young for me." You said.

"Age is a number."

"Aomine no..." Kuroko said shooting his friend a glare.


"No... no one is allowed to date her."

"Hey first I can make decisions on my own..." You said but he shook his head.

"Sorry, but I hardly get to see my sister, so I require all of your attention when you do come." Everyone sweat dropped even you as he went into the locker room.

"Has he always been like that?" You saw the red head confused.

"Yeah, can't blame him. Our age difference often left me not spending much time with him.When he was nine years old he bit my ex-boyfriend because he was getting some of my attention."

"That is really adorable... I am Riko."

"I am Momoi, his girlfriend." You whipped your hair to the pink haired girl and looked her up and down.

"Say what now? First no you aren't... if I can't date neither can he... secondly hi..." Everyone sweat dropped and Momoi blinked hiding behind Aomine.

"Don't worry I am not mean... sometimes." You said and they shook their heads.

"Anyway don't you guys have a after game meeting."

"Oh right. Come on guys." Riko said and everyone went in. You waited patiently while Aomine continued to try and flirt which resulted in you and Momoi beating him senseless. It wasn't long before Kuroko came out and you stood up.

"Bye Momoi, Aomine..." You waved and walked side by side with Tetsuya.

"(Y/N), how long will you be back?"

"Well it will be awhile because I am taking some time off."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just needed to work on my mental health was effecting my grades."

"I see..." You both fell under a comfortable silent and he smiled softly.

"You did good in your game, I was there from the beginning."

"Thank you... how is volleyball?"

"Well.... I can't play. I ended up hurting myself."

"Are you really okay?" He showed concern and you smiled.

"Yes, I promise I am okay." You ruffled his hair causing him to smile softly.

"As long as you are not lying to me."

"Nothing you need to worry about."

"You say that, but you are a hazard to yourself."

"Says the one who fell and got a nose bleed in his first game."

"Says you who was doing cheer and ended up punching yourself in the face."

"Says you who was jumping on the bed and fell off and got a concussion."

"Says you who almost got hit by a car."

"Says you who almost cut yourself when cutting vegetables." You both fell silent and began laughing softly.

"You really are a mini me..."

"Yeah, that is true."

"Are you hungry, dinner is on me." You said and he nodded.

"Okay, well lead the way."

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