Hara x Reader

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Title: Friend Zoned 1/3
No Warning

Hara did many things, but falling in love wasn't one of them. He always slept around with girls, and just had his fun. That changed though once he met you, you were everything he never thought existed. It didn't help that you and him were seat partners in every class. At first he thought it was lust, but after getting to know you, he knew it went deeper than that. He tried to ignore it and ignore you but it was hard, your scent always drifted through when you past him by. He wanted you but when he tried to talk to you, you were always busy doing something else.

"Hey (L/N), what are you doing after school?" Hara asked as you both were working on your project together.

"Nothing really, maybe study."

"I am surprised, you are always so busy," he teased. You laughed softly, and it was music to his ears.

"Yeah, I know. Luckily, I have the house to myself, and volleyball has a small break."

"We should work on this project after school."

"Don't you have basketball?"

"I can skip this once."

"Don't think Hanamiya gonna be okay with that."

"Tsk, maybe not. I will deal with it at a later time. That is a future me problem," he flashed you a smirk.

"You know, I know about you Hara..."

"You do?"

"You my friend are a certified player. So if you think you are getting in my pants, don't get your hopes up," you said. Hara blinked and frowned slightly, but you didn't noticed.

"I am not that bad, I promise. Plus, I wasn't wanting to get into your pants."

"Hara, you say you aren't bad yet you have a reputation to breaking girl's hearts."

"Okay that is true, but I swear I wasn't going to try and get in your pants."

"As long as you know that," you looked up at him. He tried not to frown, but it was still in his eyes.

"We can be friends though," you said and ruffled his hair. He looked away sighing softly, he was just friendzoned, and he did not like that.

"Yeah, anyway so deal?"

"Sure, so you don't die I will talk to Hanamiya."

"You think he would agree to you?"

"He owes me a favor or two..."

"What did he do?"

"Oh, its a secret promised I wouldn't tell."

"I won't tell anyone."

"Hara, you would use it against him."

"... you are right," you shook your head. Just then the end of the day bell ended. You packed your bag before smiling at him.

"See you at the front gate. Don't need you ruining anything."

"Yeah. Yeah."

You made your way to Hanamiya's class and waited for him outside of the classroom. When he came out he glanced at you and had a smirk on his face.

"What do I owe the pleasure?"

"I was wondering if I could cash in one of my favors."


"I need to steal Hara for our project."

"Did he put you up for this?"

"Miya, hun, no one puts me up to anything," you said and he rolled his eyes.

"On one occasion."


"I need you to shop for my mom's birthday. I suck at gifts, I know its another favor that I will owe you."

"Sure, but yes another favor."

"Thanks, don't know what I would do without you."

"Probably croak over and die. I bring the light to your life."

"Tsk, don't let Hara take advantage of you," he said rolling his eyes though a small smile was on his lips.

"Makoto, we are cut from the same cloth. Do you really think, I am that stupid to let someone play me?"

"Fair point, I just don't want you crying to me if you get your heartbroken."

"Awe, my cousin loves me..."

"Shut up, don't want people to know we are related." He hissed and you giggled softly before waving.

"Alright, alright. Bye..."


You made your way out of the school, and when you were close you saw Hara flirting with girls. You rolled your eyes, and when he saw you he straighten up. The girls were still trying to flirt with him, but he didn't even meet their eyes.

"Took you long enough (L/N)," he said wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

"Oh shut up, and let go," you removed his arm from your shoulders, and he puffed his cheeks out slightly. Once you guys were away from everyone he looked over at you as you were playing on your phone.

"Who are you texting?"


"Ehh? Just how close are you to the basketball team?"

"Pretty close."

"Seriously? Why does it take you so long to talk to me and hang out with me?" Hara couldn't deny he was jealous because he didn't even have your number.

"Well as I stated, I kinda kept my distance because you have a reputation."

"So do they, if you know Hanamiya you know the basketball team play dirty."

"Yeah, but I didn't know how you were with flirting. I didn't want to get hurt."

"I wouldn't hurt you, you know," he said suddenly and you look at him confused.

"You are different."

"How am I different? I am just another girl," you said and he looked away.

"You are different because I actually love you," he avoided your eyes. You were shocked but you soon covered it up before sighing softly. This alone caused him to turn his head to you, you were looking at him disappointed.

"I heard you say that to so many girls before."

"I know, but I really mean it."

"Its going to take more than just words to prove it. If you talk the talk, you gotta be able to walk the walk."

"I will, so you know," he said. He was determined to make you fall for him and prove that he loves you. You both fell silent again, until you arrived at your home.

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