Aomine Daiki x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Pervert
No Warning

Aomine went to the roof, once again skipping practice. He didn't really care, and just wanted to either sleep or read his magazines. He knew Momoi would come looking for him eventually but he didn't care. Once he got to the roof, he noticed a familiar (h/c) girl leaning against the wall. His eyes trailed over you, you were on the chubbier side, but he didn't mind. You actually looked really comfortable to lay on. He knew you since you guys were in the same class, and knew you had a firey personality. "Stop staring, it's getting creepy Aomine." You said opening your eyes, which brought him out of his thoughts. "It's not my fault, you look so comfortable." He said and you rolled your eyes as he walked closer to before laying his head on your lap. You shot him a glare, but didn't protest at all. You sighed softly and went back to closing your eyes. "Don't you have practice?" "Yeah, but I tend to skip." "Lazy ass." He didn't say anything and just stared up at you. His eyes took in your features, your bust was extremely big your (e/c) eyes held some fire to them despite also having a tenderness. You were his type, plus he enjoyed teasing you. You always a comeback and didn't get offended. "You are staring again." "I can't help it, don't blame me your rack is huge." "Pervert." "Call me what you will." He said but smiled to himself as you glanced down at him. There was always some hidden tension there, but you both just pushed it to the side. Your eyes met his and he leaned up but you pushed his head back down with a grin. "Don't even think about kissing me." "Why are you like this?" He asked and you hummed. "Well, you aren't only trying to kiss me. You were going to try and cop a feel." "Damn..." He grinned but wrapped his arms around you after sitting up. "You aren't wrong... but how can I not? You have all of this meat, I sometimes get hungry. You won't feed me though." "Gross. Don't say it that way perve." You shot him a glare and he grinned. "You lowkey enjoy it." "Maybe so, but some things are for behind closed doors in private." "My plac~owe...." You pinched his cheeks before getting up. "You didn't even take me on a date." "This is why I like you..." He said bluntly and you shook your head with a smile. "What? Me requiring a date?" "No one can put up with me beside you and Momoi, and you put up with me differently then she does." "Well yeah, you don't get all perverted with her." "It be weird. Anyway, you are like so outgoing and confident. You don't care about what other girls or guys say." He said standing up and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Whatever, are you gonna feed me?" "Do I look like a sugar daddy to you?" "You want the sugar, probably want me to call you daddy but you don't want to provide. The audacity. I will find someone else to feed meh.." "Don't you dare, lets go." He said keeping you beside him. He kissed your cheek before gripping your side and squeezing it. You kissed his cheek back, before looking ahead.

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