Jason Silver x Reader x Nash 1/2

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Title: It's Over
Warning: Lemon, angst, cream pie, unprotected sex, a soft Nash

Title: It's Over

You had once again pissed off Jason, but it wasn't even your fault. He was once again flirting with other girls in front of you. He didn't even have the respect, if that's what you want to call it, to do it behind your back. So you decided to flirt with other guys because you were the person you were. He did not like that at all; in fact, he ended up grabbing your wrist and pulling you away.

"Owe, Jason, you are hurting my wrist. Let me go."

"Shut up, what the hell was that? Huh? Are you cheating on me?" He yelled at you, shoving you into the locker room.

"Tsk, you can't get mad!"

"Like hell, I can't. How do you think it makes me feel when I turn my head, and you are flirting with other guys." He growled, pinning you to the locker.

"I know exactly how it feels, dipshit; you do it all the time. You were just doing it with Vanessa. If you like flirting with her so much, why don't we just break up?" You finally snapped; Jason's eyes widened at the suggestion; he didn't expect that to come out of your mouth. You were just as surprised as him, but you had been seriously thinking about it.

"What did you just say?"

"I said, why don't we just break up? I can't do this anymore, Jason; I tried. You are just an asshole, and I can't do this anymore, instead of allowing myself to continue to be hurt because you flirt with other girls when I am right here. This relationship, you, none of this is worth it. We are done, Jason."

With that, you pulled your arm out of Jason's hold after he loosened it. You began to walk out of the locker room, but he pulled you back.

"This conversation isn't over. You can't just break up with me; we have been together for two years," Jason said. You glanced back at him and sighed.

"Yes, and I was miserable for those two years. I thought you would quit your playboy ways, but not. It's over, I mean it. Don't bother contacting me again; I will bring your stuff to your house later."

You walked out of the locker room, and Jason watched you leave. He felt his heartbreak; he never meant to hurt you. He thought you knew how much you meant to him. He didn't think the harmless flirting would cause you pain.

Jason didn't want this to end, not now, not ever. He had no idea how to fix this thought. Suddenly Nash came in and stared at Jason. Nash didn't have to say anything because Jason already knew he fucked up.

"What are you going to do? Being with (Y/N), I told you you shouldn't do the things you were doing. Now she left."

"I need to fix it."

"I am going to be honest with you, Jason; you can't fix it. I wish you could, but (Y/N) was already moving on while you were flirting with other girls."

"What do you mean?"

"She cried a lot over the last two years. I tried telling you, and it bothers me that you didn't listen. You forget she is one of my close friends. I tried to help both of you, but you just didn't listen," Nash said. He then walked away to search for you. Sure, Jason was his friend, but he was your friend way longer. Nash hated the way Jason always treated you, and he was the one who had to pick up the pieces. It didn't help that Nash was in love with you, as taboo as it is. He was in love with his best friend, dating his other best friend.

Nash ran a hand through his blonde hair and went to look for you. Once he found you, you were staring off into the distance by yourself. He wrapped one arm around your shoulders, which caused you to jump slightly.

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