Cheater!Aomine x Reader x Imayoshi

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Title: Cheater Cheater
Warning: Sexual mentions, cheating

You made your way to the basketball court after school, you had brought energy snacks for everyone that you made. Ever since you and Aomine started dating, you had gotten closer to the basketball team if it was possible. You were already close because of Momoi, but you showed up even more which the team loved because you saved them from Momoi's non graceful cooking. You opened the gym doors, and made your announcement to everyone.

"Guess who is back! And look what I brought!" You annouced, but you didn't get the reaction you were hoping for. Everyone including Momoi, stared at you with sad eyes. You began to think something was up.

"Uh, what is with the depressed aura... I was expecting to be attacked in hugs, and smiles." You sweat dropped but they just turned their backs.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't..." Momoi said patting your back before hugging you tightly. You hugged her back just as Imayoshi came up to you.


"Answer. Unless it's science."

"It's not." He cracked a small smile and you laughed softly.

"Say if you and Aomine ever broke up, would you stop coming to basketball practice?"

"Excuse me? First off, of course I would. You guys are my second family. Secondly, me and Aomine aren't breaking up. I can assure you. Speaking of which, he said he was coming today since he hasn't seen me in awhile. Where is he?" Everyone looked away and you began to get worried.


" room. Sorry!" He bowed, he looked like he was ready to cry so you ruffled his hair.

"Anyway, here you guys need your energy. I am going to see him!" You smiled making your way to the boys locker room. Once you were out of ear shot, you shook your head.

"That was weird, everyone was acting so weird. Including Momoi, weirder than usual." You shook your head and knocked on the door before walking in.

"Aomine, it's not~"

"Aomine, yes faster! Nng oh god please, harder." You froze at the sound, you hesitantly turned the corner to see your boyfriend, and best friend having sex.

"Aomine...." You said, your voice broke the two out of a trance, and they quickly parted from each other. They were getting dress as fast as they could.

"(Y/N), I can explain." He said reaching for you but you slapped his hand away, your eyes turning cold.

"Explain what exactly? What is there to explain?" You growled and went to turn away but your so called best friend tried to stop you as well.

"(Y/N), wait. It was an accident."

"A accident!? So what, you both accidentally took your clothes off, and he accidentally slipped inside of you multiple times.This wasn't a fucking accident. I hate you both, Aomine we are done." You said turning away and slamming the locker room door. It could be heard all the way in the gym, causing the team to flinch.

You felt the tears brim your eyes, you didn't want to cry. Not in front of Aomine or the basketball team. But now you understood why Imayoshi asked that question. The moment you stepped back into the gym, Momoi wasn't fast enough to hug you. Imayoshi wrapped his arms around you tightly holding you to his chest.

"It's okay to cry."

"No, I won't cry. Not in front of him, I won't give him the satisfaction." You voice broke and was quiet.

"Guys, I am going to walk (L/N) home." Imayoshi said and everyone nodded as he grabbed your book bag, and led you out. Once you guys were far enough you completely broke down. Imayoshi hated seeing you so down, considering that he was in love with you. So to see Aomine hurt you, and cheat on you pissed him off.

You cried in Imayoshi's chest as he rubbed your back and he buried his face into your hair. He sighed softly giving you small pep talks to try and cheer you up.

"Hey (L/N), lets get you home. Okay?"

"Mm kay." You whispered and you both continued to walk. Imayoshi gently held your hand, giving it small squeezes when he heard you hiccup. When you both arrived you went straight to your room, and threw yourself onto the bed. Imayoshi sat himself beside you, and rubbed your back.

"Why? Why would he do that? I thought I was being a good girlfriend. Is he really that shallow?" You asked more to yourself.

"Or is it just me?"

"Definitely not you, (L/N), you are amazing. Sweet, kind, smart, considerate." Imayoshi said turning you on your back to look at him. He could see that you weren't crying but the pain that was in your eyes.

"Really? I just don't understand. What was going through his head?"

"Honestly, I can't answer that. If I was him, I wouldn have never let you go." Imayoshi said, and you sighed covering your face. He laid his head on your stomach, after removing his glasses. Your hands instantly went to his hair, and you began to stroke it. Playing with his hair always brought you peace of mind, considering you two have went to the same elementary and middle school together.



"He isn't worth your tears, there are people who are madly in love with you that would love to make you happy." He said and you looked down at him, and he opened his eyes.

"Really? You think so?"

"I know so..."

"I never knew you could be so sweet and considerate..." You teased and he scoffed slightly.

"It's only because I don't like to see you hurt. You are the only person that I never want to see hurt or crying. You should be happy all the time." Imayoshi said and slowly sat up, but you closed your eyes as he did so.

"Well, I guess I won't be smiling for awhile."

"Tsk..." You heard, before feeling a shadow loom over you, causing your eyes to open. Your eyes widen seeing how close Imayoshi's face was to yours.

"(Y/N)... I..."

"(Y/N), please lets talk..." Aomine's voice had cut Imayoshi off and you sighed sitting up causing him to lean back.

"Go away Aomine."

"No, please it was a mistake and I regret it..." You got up to go to the door, before Imayoshi could stop you, you had already opened it. He was glaring at the door, hating being interrupted. It was probably for the best though since now was not a good time to confess.

You stared as Aomine held a huge stuffed animal, chocolates and roses. You shook your head, but before he could beg for you back you interrupted him.

"We are never, ever getting back together. You broke that trust, by cheating and lying." You said before closing the door. Imayoshi listened biting his lip hoping you wouldn't cave.

"(Y/N)... I love you, really I do. I regret everything."

"Aomine, I loved you too... but I can't not anymore. I need to recover, move on from you, from us... Good bye Aomine." You said shutting the door in his face. You slid down the door, and once again the sobs began to escape. Imayoshi, came to the front door and saw you and he wrapped his arms around you.

"Do you want me to stay the night?"

"Yes, please..."

"Alright... you go lay down, I will go get us ice cream." He said and you nodded. Imayoshi walked out and made his way to the store, his mind on you. He wanted to badly confess, to let you know that he was the one who was madly in love with you. But he knew it was bad timing, and that he should wait until you had fully recovered.

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