Seto x Reader

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Title: Firsts
Warning: Sexual mentions

You collapsed on the bed as you let a sigh out on the bed. Seto had set his bag down beside yours and got on the opposite side of the room. No one wanted to room with him because they were scared of him, guys and girls alike. So the teacher had you and him share rooms. He was surprised when you agreed, but you didn't notice the surprise look on his face.

Truth was you had a huge crush on the basketball player, despite the basketball team's play style. You could never hate Seto for something like that. You understood though why people feared the basketball team. It didn't help Hanamiya enjoyed other's suffering. You were probably the only person who stood up to Hanamiya when he tried to tease and embarrass you.

"Sorry you have to share a room with..." His deep voice broke through your thoughts and you turned your head to him.


"You probably wanted to share a room with your friend."

"It doesn't matter to me." You said sitting up and you could see how tense he was.

"Are you okay Seto senpai?"

"You don't have to call me senpai, we are in the same age. And yeah, I am fine. I just..." He trailed off, falling quiet.

"You just?"

"It's nothing..."

"Okay..." It fell quiet as you stared at the ceiling, you could feel him glancing at you.

"Is this your first time sleeping in the room with a girl?" You suddenly asked, and he quickly stared at you.

"Are you asking if I am a virgin?" He asked suddenly and you looked at him confused before realizing how it sounded.

"What no, I meant literal sleeping. God guys are so horny." You said fighting the blush.

"Yes to both."

"Wait what?"


"I just wanted to know the latter question not the one you thought." You said hiding your face.

"Well I had already asked figured might as well question."

"I am surprised though."

"Shouldn't be, most girls don't find me attractive. Not that I care." He said, he didn't understand why he was telling you this. He just assumed maybe it was because you were easy to talk too, and he had a small crush on you.

"I think you are handsome." You said and he blinked confused.

"You do?"

"Yeah..." He leaned back and you glanced at him deciding this would be the best time to confess. Though you weren't exactly sure, you got up from your bed though. Seto glanced over at you as you walked to his side and sat beside him. He had grew rather stiffed again, but you placed your hand on his arm which relaxed him.

"You don't have to be nervous around me. I am just a girl."

"Yeah just a girl..." He said before wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you into his lap causing you to blush.

"Seto what are you doing?"

"Nothing..." He said laying his head on your shoulder, you decided to relax against him and closed your eyes. It was silent, and you began to grow bored, so you began to draw random shapes on his arm. He watched you, if he would have done this with any other girl they would have slapped him. You turned your eyes to meet his, and his eyes flickered to your lips before back at you. Out of curiousity you wondered what would happen if you went in to kiss him.

You moved your head close to him, and his eyes widen. His grip on your waist tighten slightly but he didn't move away. He just sat there wondering if you would stop which you did eventually. Your lips brushed against his, not wanting to wait much longer he slammed his lips onto yours. You gasped from the sudden compact, and attempted to pull aways lightly. He held you to his chest so you couldn't, so you slowly began to kiss back with a small smile. Your hands trailed up to his cheeks, cupping it.

You both were so deep into the kiss, neither one of you heard the knock on the door. You adjusted yourself, so you were straddling him as he bit at your bottom lip. You gave him access, and both began to fight for dominance. You tangled your hands into his hair as he pulled you on top as he laid down.

The door opened and the basketball team wondered what was taking their teammate so long. They were going to split from the group and go get food, but when they all walked in all but Hanamiya seemed rather surprised. You still didn't hear them. You parted slightly from the kiss panting, and stared down at Seto and he grinned. He pulled you back down for another kiss, but the sound of gun popping rather loudly and several of coughs broke you two apart. You turned your head to see his teammates, and redness creeped up your neck. You quickly got up off of Seto, and he sat up.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked trying to recover from the breath taking kiss.

"We were going to get food... but we see you are busy now." Hara smirked and Seto rubbed his neck as they each turned to you. They knew who you were, you were pretty popular being an exchange student from (country). Not to mention seriously cute, and hot.

"How the hell did you land her?" Yamazaki asked pouting, because he had a small crush on you but Seto had beat him to it.

"Uhm... I am right here. And how the heck did you guys get in?" You finally found your voice and Hanamiya held the master key to all of the basketball team's rooms.

"Oh..." You said rubbing your neck.

"Are you coming dude or not?" Hara asked and Seto looked at you before them.

"Go ahead, I was going to take a shower then nap anyway." You said and Seto nodded but froze slightly.

"I don't think he is going anywhere." Hanamiya smirked and walked out. The team was snickering, but Hara tossed Seto a condom.

"Don't need you to be getting her pregnant."

"Why the hell do you have th-you know what I don't even want to know. I don't need it." Seto said tossing it back, but you quickly caught it before Hara can. They didn't you could be bold but you shrugged.

"You never know." You grinned and Seto was surprised once again but he smirked. Hara looked between the two, and Furuhashi spoke up.

"May want to give them more."

"Won't be necessary, I have some." You said and at that they decided to leave. They always assumed you were innocent but clearly you weren't.

"So... where were we?" You asked as the door locked behind them. Seto grinned and wrapped his arms around you and went back to the previous make-out session.

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