Mitobe Rinnosuke x Reader

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Title: Notice Me

Mitobe watched as you read a book, you had been in his class since the middle school yet you two never spoke. Well besides the fact he was mute, it was like you hardly noticed him. He wanted to grab your attention but every time he tried another guy would steal you away from him. He would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous but he didn't know how to get you to see him. He felt almost as visible as Kuroko during basketball, but with you instead of everyone else.

Mitobe looked down at his notebook he had a chance to speak with you since no one else was in class since it ended a few minutes ago. He just couldn't muster up the courage, he glanced at you with a small blush before taking a deep breath. He got up and began to walk towards you but as expected (random guy's name) came up to you.

"(L/N)~san, lets go out to lunch."

"Huh? Why?"

"Like a date..." Mitobe frowned at this and looked down.

"Sorry. I can't, I am busy."

"No you aren't... doing what?" He huffed and you mentally panicked you glanced over at Mitobe before at the guy in front of you.

"I am eating with Mitobe..." Mitobe's head perked up surprised and same with the guy in front of you.

"Seriously the quiet freak?"

"First he isn't a freak, and yeah him." You said, and as if the guy didn't know Mitobe was there, he slammed his hands on your desk leaning close to your face. This caused you to lean back but not very far since you were sitting down.

"Come on don't be so mean to me," he said with a pout.

"Sorry... I can't."

"Forg~hey..." Mitobe gently pushed the guy away from you since he noticed you were uncomfortable. Mitobe gave the guy a hard stare causing the random classmate to shudder slightly and run off. You relaxed and Mitobe looked at you with worry in his eyes.

"I am okay Mitobe. Thank you for your help," you said and he gave you a soft smile shaking his head. He was glad that you new his name and he tilted his head pointing at you then him, before pointing at your lunch.

"Ahh yeah, I am sorry if you don't want me to have lunch with you. I just didn't want to go with him." You had a small blush but she waved his hands in front of him before nodding his head with a smile.

"So, is that yes I can have lunch with you?" He nodded his head with a smile and you smiled widely.

"Well what are we doing, lets go somewhere." You said gathering your stuff in your bookbag, he then took it from you to carry it. You smiled as he looked at you before looking away with a blush. You tilted your head to the side confused but he held your hand with his free one. You looked at your hands before up at him and he leaned down to your face. Your eyes widen thinking he was going to kiss you, but instead he nudged your nose with his. He was still blushing and you blinked realizing it wasn't a normal kiss, but an eskimo kiss. You blushed slightly but gave him one back, causing him to smile.

His hand tighten gently around your smaller one before he stopped and looked at you fully. He poked your chest where your heart was before pointing to his own. He then gave you another Eskimo kiss, but both of your lips brushed against each other. You gasped softly, realizing what he was saying. At first you thought he was being sweet.

"Wait do you like me?" He nodded his head quickly and parted before looking down.

"How long?" He brought his hand down, and you realized he was saying kids.

"Wait middle school?" He nodded and you blushed but smiled.

"Why didn't say anything!?" He looked at you, and you blinked.

"You know what I mean, not literally say anything. I know you are mute, but like." You were struggling on what to say, and he cracked a smile nudging you gently.

"Wait you are teasing me?" He nodded and you pouted slightly but he shyly pressed a small kiss to your lips.

"So you were only teasing me on the whole speaking, but you really like me?" He nodded once again and you puffed your cheeks and cupped his face.

"Jerk, keeping me waiting for so long." You pressed your lips to his again, and he blinked surprised. After you parted from the kiss and he tilted his head confused.

"Don't give me that look. We were neighbors in middle school, come on. Of course I noticed you." He relaxed and smiled and laced his fingers with yours. You guys walked to the nearest cafe and he set your bags down and he sat beside you in a booth. He pointed to the menu before pointing to himself.

"Wha~no you aren't paying for me." He nodded and you shook your head.

"No." Once again he nodded his head nudged his head against his gently. You realized he was very affectionate, and that caused you to smile.

"You are so stubborn. I am paying for myself. Don't be cute, it won't work on me." You said and he looked at you and gave you multiple Eskimo kisses. The closeness of his face caused red to dust your cheeks. You could hear people talk about you two, and it was rather embarrassing.

"They are so cute..."

"Remember when we were their age madly in love?"

"This takes you back doesn't honey?"

"Young love..."

"They don't realize they have a bright future ahead of them with love like that."

"Look how he stares at her, thats how I always stare at you darling."

"Oh stop that, its still embarrassing."

"M-Mitobe, s-stop that people are talking about us." He gave you a smile and pecked your lips before going to his menu with a smile. You slid down in your seat hiding your face behind the menu.

"Welcome, would you guys like the couple special?" You and Mitobe looked up to the waitress and she gave you a smile. Mitobe tilted his head curious about the couple special.

"W-What is it?" You asked, and she smiled.

"It's a really large sunday, shareable by two people, it has sprinkles, chocolate and caramel syrup drawn in a heart, sprinkles in the middle of the heart, with a cherry on top. Mitobe nodded his head wanting to share it with you.

"Great, anything else."

"Uhm two waters..." You said for Mitobe and she nodded.

"Mitobe you didn't have too..." he held his hand up to you with a smile and you sighed softly with a smile.

"What am I going to do with you?" He placed your hand on his heart and you blushed.

"I guess you are right, I can only love you." You whispered and he smiled at you adoringly. 

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