Imayoshi x Reader

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Title First Love 2/2
No Warning

After the kiss that you and Imayoshi shared, he clung to you the entire night which you didn't mind. Eventually you both had disregarded the game and was having your own conversations until you realized how late it was.

"Oh I got to go."

"Okay, let me walk you home... or to the corner."

"You can walk me all the way this time, my dad and brother isn't home." You said and he smiled glad he could spend a little more time with you. You both bid farewell to your new friends, and as soon as you guys left the house you felt drained.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, my social battery ran out completely. Its gonna take a couple days to recover from that."

"Probably didn't help, that Susa made me do that dare."

"It was a very nice dare." You said said and Imayoshi wrapped his arms around you gently.

"Indeed it was, I can't deny that." He placed a kiss to your cheek, which caused you to smile widely.

"You are such a dork," you said laughing softly which caused him to grin.

"Yeah, but I can you blame me? I grew attached to you."

"Geez and we only knew each other for less than 24 hours."

"Say what you want, but it was love at first sight. That kiss just sealed it completely."


"Hmm?" He glanced at you and he soon noticed that you weren't smiling.

"Listen, to stop you from getting hurt I am just going to say this. It's not good to get attached to me just because I never stay in one place for too long. Dating would be difficult, especially since I can be here today and gone tomorrow."

"That is fine, we would find a way to work it out."

"You don't understand, I can't do long distance. I already tried and it never worked out. We both would end up hurting...." You refused to look at him, but he stopped and cupped your cheeks.

"I will do anything to make it work. I know we won't start dating now obviously. Like you said we known each other less than 24 hours, but I do intend to date you in the future. I will make you fall for me."

"Imayoshi please, don't... it will be hard if I have to go..." You said backing away, he frowned but he pressed his lips against yours again gently. You closed your eyes and relaxed against his hold, and gripped his shirt. You felt the butterflies in your stomach go crazy, and when he broke the kiss he kept you close.

"It seems you don't have faith in me..."

"It's not... that I am just scared."

"Shhh it's going to be okay. I promise." You let a sigh out because you knew he wasn't going to give up.

"Fine, I will give everything a shot."

"Good, now lets get you home."

You both continued walking, and you couldn't help but lace your fingers with his. Imayoshi was actually pretty content, even if you both weren't dating yet, just having you close made him happy. Once you both arrived at your home, you looked over at him with a smile.

"Uhm thanks for walking me home."

"It's no problem, its late don't want you to walk home alone..." You both fell silent not wanting to leave the other just yet.

"Do you, want to stay a little longer?" You asked and he blinked before smiling.

"If that's okay with you."

"Yeah, I kinda wanna continue to hang out," you unlocked the door and you both walked in removing your shoes. You then led him to your room, and you flopped on the bed. You felt a bit drained, and Imayoshi could see it on your face.

"Want to watch a movie?" You asked and he shook his head sitting beside you on the bed.

"I rather we just be close together and talk."

"Okay what do you wanna talk about?" You asked and he pulled you close to him with a smile.

"Tell me more about yourself."

"Well what do you want to know?"


"Okay, well you know I am from Ohio, United States. My mother passed away when I was young, so my dad became a single dad and began working a lot so that he can take care of us. Pretty soon, he ended up owning his own businesses across the US, and then expanded to across the world. As you also know, we never stay too long in one spot because of his work. We technically don't have to keep moving, but me and my brother don't want to be a burden to him. So we decide whatever he decides. Though he knows we can take care of ourselves." You said and Imayoshi listened to you, you laid your head against his chest and he rubbed your arms.

"If you stay do you think it would cause him to worry a lot?"

"Yeah most definitely, I am the only girl out of like six kids. So he gets paranoid that something bad would happen to me. Can't blame him, this day and age everyone is out against women." You mumbled and he nodded nuzzling your hair slightly.

"Fair enough, he must be terrified with raising a daughter. I would be too..."

"Mmm, he doesn't even want me to date." You laughed softly and Imayoshi shook his head laughing too.

"If I have a daughter she isn't allow to date or marry either."

"Tsk, men." You shook your head and he tighten his arms around you before he began to rub your sides slightly. You looked up at him and he gave you that smile that made you want to kiss him. You did just that, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his again sighing softly. He returned the kiss, his hands trailing down to your thighs, and gripping them. You ended up breaking the kiss and he pulled you into his lap before kissing you again.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and tilted your head to the side to deepen the kiss. He licked your bottom lip, and you teasingly denied him access, so he groped your ass causing you to gasp. That gave him the access that he wanted and slipped his tongue past your lips. He claimed every part of your mouth as his territory, and it made you shudder slightly. He broke the kiss again and leaned his forehead against yours.

"I really can't get enough of your kisses."

"I can say the same... we are in trouble if thats the case." You said and he chuckled slightly.

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