Hara x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Perfect
Warning: Sexual Mentions

You were laughing with your friends, when you felt two arms snake around your waist. By the look on your friend's faces, you already knew who it was.

"Hara, let go."

"I don't want too."

"Why do you cling to me? There are tons of other girls."

"You aren't scared of me, and they are too skinny.You are soft, plump and I like squishing you." You face palmed before grabbing your notebook and began to beat him with it.

"Next time, I will sit on you and break you. So don't touch me." You threatened but Hara only had a grin on his face.

"You won't break me, but if you sit on me, please sit on my face."

"I-" You didn't know what to say so you just kicked him in his shin, which caused the tall male to go down.


"(Y/N), be careful. He is part of the basketball team, and they are dangerous."

"Yeah, I know. You guys told me, but I am more scared of my mother. If she finds out I let a guy harass me, she would murder me if I don't murder him." You said and they sweat dropped and you flashed them a smile.


"(Y/N), lets cuddle after class."

"No..." You said as the bell rang and you gathered all of your stuff to head home.

"Well beautiful ladies, I have to get home. My mom wants the chores done before she gets home." You waved and they nodded watching as Hara wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he blew a bubble.

"Let go."

"Don't wanna..." You sighed softly, temporarily giving up. He would have to leave you be eventually, since he had basketball practice. Or so you thought, he ended up staying by your side, moving one arm around your waist when you guys got off the school grounds.

"Don't you have practice?"

"Nope, cancelled today. They are redoing the gym."

"Damn, I thought I could get rid of you."

"Not happening, you are stuck with me."

"You say that as if I don't have a choice."

"You have a choice but I am going to make you fall for me..."

"With the random perverted comments, and constantly trying to hug and cuddle me?"

"Exactly,." You rolled your eyes at his smirk and sighed softly.

"Come on, are you telling me you don't like it?"

"Hmm, it's annoying." You stated flatly as you guys waited for the train. he used this chance to get behind you and hug your plumped waist. He buried his face into your neck causing you to sigh. He gently rubbed your stomach, which you didn't mind but it was weird.

"I am going to kick your ass if you don't let go."

"It would be worth it, having my arms around you brings me ease even if you threaten me."

"Am I even your type?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Don't you like tall skinny girls with nice and long legs? I am not tall, I am fat, I am hot obviously but fat none the less and my legs has scars and definitely not long. I am just sexy with a splash of cuteness. Total opposite of your type."

"First off, you are warm and if you ever let me get between your legs during the winter, my ears would be warm if you know what I mean. And exactly, you are sexy as hell and cute. Don't know how you managed that but yeah. You aren't scared of me, and when you threaten me, it makes me fall for you even more. Your body is perfect, you are smart, and I enjoy touching your body. It's so smooth and soft, and squeezable. I also wouldn't mind laying my head on your chest or thighs because they look like nice pillows." He hummed placing a small kiss to your neck.

"Shut up Hara, people can hear you." You rolled your eyes again, but he didn't stop.

"So, let them hear. If you allowed me I would take you right here and now, for everyone to see just how beautiful you are and make you scream my name." You suddenly elbowed him in his stomach causing him to flinch and groan as he let go of you. You huffed slightly as you got onto the already packed train. He followed you on and you shot him a glare.

"What are you doing, following me home?"

"Yes... I want to meet your mom."

"I am going to kill you."

"Love you too babe." He grinned and kissed your cheek.

"Hara!" You actually blushed this time which was a nice look on you according to Hara.

"What the he~" He cut you off by placing his lips on yours. He pushed you against the wall still holding your waist with a grin. He hugged your body close to his wanting to be closer if it was possible. You slowly gave into him after coming down from your shock, and began to kiss back. He grabbed your arms, moving them hug his neck before he held your waist again.

He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance, but you denied him the access which made him growl slightly. He moved his hands to your ass and squeezed it hard, causing you to gasp and moan into the kiss. This gave him access that he wanted and he slid his tongue past your lips. You tried to part but it was hard since you were trapped between him and the wall. You both fought for dominance, but he won and explored the new territory that he claimed.

Your lungs soon began to burn and you needed air, so you pushed against his chest harder wanting to breath. He got the hint soon enough, and he needed air too. He parted from the kiss and leaned his head against your forehead with a small grin.

"So, go out with me?"

"No..." You said in between pants and he groaned slightly.

"Seriously? You kissed me."

"Correction, you kissed me while I was about to cuss you out."

"You kissed back and didn't pull away."

"How could I? I was stuck between you and the wall. I tried but I had no room to part from the kiss on my own accord." You complained but he pecked your lips again.

"You enjoyed it though." You shot him a glare and pushed him, but it did little since the train was packed causing you and him to remain chest to chest. He kept his arms around you as you both fell silent. He lay his head on top of yours as you guys waited for your stop. He squeezed you slightly and kissed your forehead, nose, cheek then lips.

"Go on a date with me." He mumbled slightly as he nuzzled your head.

"I told you, I can't. I gotta go straight home." You said sighing softly and he hugged you tightly.

"So, if your mom agrees you will go?"

"I-maybe." You sighed softly and he grinned as he blew a bubble. He tilted your head to look up to meet his eyes. He placed a kiss to your lips causing you to smile very faintly.

"Well leave that to me."

"Should I be worried?"

"Nope." He repeatedly kissed your lips, causing you to laugh.

"You are so much prettier when you are smiling and laughing.

"Ugh stop that." You sadi, but he moved your arms around his neck again. He knew there was no way to be closer to you since you guys were already pressed against each other but he craved having you close.

You took it upon yourself this time and you pulled his head down and pressed your lips to his. You guys stayed like that for a few moments just enjoying the other's presence.

"Just so you know, since you initiated that kiss, I am assuming we are dating now."

"Whatever, I don't care." You mumbled and he smirked and just continued to hold you.

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