Seto x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Thigh Pillows
Fluff and Lime
Warning: Sexual mentions, jokes etc.

You were leaning against a tree while eating your lunch, your friend had missed school today due to being sick. So you were alone today, not that you minded. You actually enjoyed being alone, no one messed with you. Maybe because you had a personality that could scare almost anyone into submission while still being cute. You always told people if they asked why you had only one friend, that you only vibe with people who vibe with you.

You matched people's energy, so if they were assholes to you, you came back at them ten times harder. That's why no one bullied you based on your appearance, not that you cared if they did. Seriously, you were plus size, chubby, thick with it. You knew how to dress to make sure the curves worked in your favor. The guys were too intimidated by you to even ask you out.

Well all but one guy, that guy was Seto Kentaro. You had caught him staring at you through out class, but he never talked to you. You could always feel his gaze pierce through you, as if he was stripping you with his eyes. Which honestly, you wouldn't be surprised. Here lately, since your friend had been missing school, he has been trying to get closer to you without you noticing.

He would occasionally, bump into you, magically ended up being his partner. Or he would just so happen run into you in the school's garden where you ate lunch at alone. You didn't understand why he felt the need to get closer but you honestly didn't care. You knew the basketball team were some shady people, but as long as they treated you with respect, you would return it.

You popped piece of meat into your mouth just as the subject of your thoughts sat beside you. He didn't have his lunch, assuming he may have already eaten it. You looked at him with raised eyebrows and he cleared his throat.

"Okay, just ask what you want to ask. You have been going around in this circle for a week." You said turning your gaze, as he was trying to find the words to say.

"Huh? You noticed?"

"Of course I did, it's hard not too. I am hyperaware of my surroundings 24/7 even when I am asleep. Forced habit." You said crossing your arms slightly. That made his eyes trail down to your rather large chest, plump waist then your thighs.

"Also will you quit stripping me naked with your eyes? If you are gonna do it, do it already." You said the first part in Japanese but the second part was said in perfect (native language). He was confused since you spoke the second half in a language he didn't know.

"I am sorry, I couldn't help it." He said turning away and you rolled your eyes.

"Mind telling me what you said though the second half?" He asked and you smirked.

"Absolutely not. Now what did you want to ask or talk to me about?" You asked and he shrugged before laying his head on your thighs. You blinked as he met your eyes before closing them and taking a nap.

"Of course, wanted to use my thighs as pillows." You said but he didn't say anything. You shook your head slightly before grinning and ran your hands through his hair. He opened his eyes and stared at you confused about to protest.

"If you lay on my thighs or on me, I am going to play with your hair. Eye for eye." You said and he hummed nodding his head slightly.

"Fair point." He closed his eyes back again and you grinned slightly.

It was quiet and he turned and buried his face into your stomach, before wrapping his arms around your large waist.

"Soft..." He mumbled and you laughed softly.

"I know I am. Us bigger girls, are the best ones to cuddle." You said and he opened his eyes to look at you with a grin.

"I can see why, what do I have to do to make you my personal pillow?"

"Hmm, well I am not that easy to impress." You said leaning against the tree."

"I know, you are known for rejecting every single guy. Or they are way to intimidated to date you."

"Ehh, if they aren't man enough to approach me they are just wasting my time."

"Well, I am man enough to do so." He said sitting up and looking at you.

"But are man enough to make me submit to you?" You raised an eyebrow, and he was shocked a bit.

"Wait what?"

"You heard me... I need someone who can dominate me, I don't want to be the dominant one. I know my personality says other wise but that helps pick the boys from the men."

"... you know you just got ten times hotter and I am not sure how you did it." He said and you laughed but he gripped your chin and pressed his lips to yours. You closed your eyes returning the kiss, and he moved his hand to your hair tangling his fingers in it. You let a small moan out, as he tugged it back a bit. He soon broke the kiss and trailed his lips down to the front of your neck.

"Don't you dare mark me... not while we still have school." You said and he grinned nipping gently before parting.

"Fine, but after practice I can show you just how dominant I can be." He said and you grinned slightly.

"Can't wait, though just know if I get bored. You are gonna have a long night dealing with your problems."

"Dang, no faith in me."

"Sorry not sorry." You said and he chuckled softly before laying back on your thighs.

"That's fine, by the time I am done with you. You will permanently be my thigh pillows, and my girlfriend."

"Hmm, sounds like big talk. Can't wait then." You said, in a flirting way before going to play with his hair again before the bell rung.

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