Kise x Reader x Himuro

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Title: Choose Us
No Warning

Kise searched the crowd in hopes of finding a certain someone. He left his school to meet you, to be able to walk you home. Of course though, a bunch of girls surrounded him, wanting his attention. He let a small exhausted sigh, but soon the familiar (h/c) girl came into view. His smile widened as he pushed past the crowd.

"(Y/N)cchi! Wait for me!"

You cringed as the girls got louder, and you began to walk even faster hoping the girls would stop him. Apparently you weren't fast enough though since he wrapped an arm around you.

"Sorry ladies, I have to go."

"Get off of me Kise."

"(Y/N)cchi, don't be mean. Let me walk you home."

"No, I am not going home."

"Well, let me tag along," Kise said. He gave you a puppy look and you groaned slightly.

"No, I am going on a date, other guys are not allowed."

"Eh? That is hurtful, you know I like you right?"

"(Y/N)?" You and Kise turned around to see Himuro, Kise groaned slightly.

"Himuro, hi..."

"What are you doing with him?"

"I was just about to leave him."

"Allow me to walk you home, its going to get dark soon," Himuro said.

"As I was telling Kise, I am not going home. I have a date with someone, so no one is allowed to come."

"What?" Himuro had a frown, which was similar to Kise's.

"Please, I am going to be late," you said. It wasn't a complete lie, you did have a date, but it was more of a study date. You turned around and left them, you use to be so close to the two males but they begin to push their feelings on you. You just wasn't into guys that were extremely popular, you knew how it felt being replaced by fan girls.

You glanced behind you, glad they weren't following you. When you were out of sight you made your way home texting your best guy friend to come over. After fifteen minutes of walking you arrived at home and jumped slightly.

There stood Kise, Himuro and your best friend who was looking at you. You prayed he played along without you warning him.

"Hey babe..." he said and you smiled.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?"

"Well, we..." Kise trailed off and Himuro sighed softly before looking at you.

"We figured you were going home, but we ended up beating you here to see him."

"So is it a date or not?" Kise asked, you could see the hurt on their faces.

"Yes and no. Listen, you guys I said I didn't want you guys coming."

"Why? You use to be so close to us. We even tolerate each other for your sake." Himuro said, his dislike for Kise was clear.

"You guys have been pushing your feelings onto me. I don't like you guys like that, and I can't return your feelings."

"Uh is this a bad time (N/N)?" Your best friend asked and you nodded.

"Yeah, I promise tomorrow."

"Okay, text me if you need me. Unless you want me to stay."

"No, it's fine. See you tomorrow."

"Alright," he adjusted his bag before leaving. Once he was gone you looked between the two with your arms crossed.

"Why can't you return one of our feelings?" Kise asked and you looked up to the sky.

"I dated guys like you two, it always ends up bad."

"We wouldn't hurt you, I can say that for the both of us," Himuro said.

"Not intentionally at least. I ignore popular guys now when it comes to dating. You both have too many fan girls and I just can't. I don't have the energy to have to fight for attention."

"You wouldn't have to (Y/N)cchi."

"I would, plus I don't want to be a target for the fan girls."

"We would protect you."

"You say we like you guys have come to some form of agreement..." you said narrowing your eyes. They looked at each other before looking away. That was when you knew they had already talked.

"Choose us, we will always give you attention." Kise said and you sighed softly and went to your door, unlocking it.

"I told you guys already, I can't. I don't have the energy."

"(L/N), just think about it okay? Please?" You turned to Himuro and you slowly nodded your head.

"Fine, until I think of my answer please don't push your feelings on me. I want to be alone and think about it. But that being said, dating both of you isn't exactly morally right."

"As long as we all are okay with it, you don't have to choose one. Granted, we hate each other actually that's strong word. We dislike each other, we are willing to let it work." Kise said and you shook your head.

"That's not how a poly relationship works guys. You have to actually like each other as well. So while, I think maybe work on your guy's bond as well."

"We will, we will put our differences aside for you," Himuro said. Kise nodded in agreement and you took a deep breath.

"Well, I have homework. Have a good night guys. Be safe..."

"Wait, uhm can we still hang out as friends. We kinda miss hanging out." Himuro asked and you gave them a smile nodding your head.

"Yeah, I kinda miss you guys too, I am tutoring my friends tomorrow in the morning afterwards."

"Really (Y/N)cchi?" Kise perked up and you nodded.

"You guys promised so I don't mind. Can we go somewhere not overly populated though?"

"Movies and pizza?" Kise asked and you nodded.

"Fine by me see you guys tomorrow." They nodded and left and you closed your door with a small smile. You let a sigh out since the whole situation was stressful but at the same time got your friends back.

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