Kagami x Reader

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Title: Come With Me
No Warning

You stared at Kagami wide eyed, you couldn't believe he had asked you such a question. You both were hanging out in your room, not doing anything just enjoying each other's presence before he went back to Japan. That is when he asked the most random and unbelievable question.

"Come with me (Y/N), back to Japan."

"Wait, what?"

"I want you to come back to Japan with me. I am begging you," he sat up from your lap and caged you in his arms.

"You can't be serious, I have no where to stay. Plus all the transferring schools, and the plane ticket. Plus my Japanese is terrible."

"I can help with all of that. You can stay with me, go to Seirin, and I can handle the transfer papers. I can even buy your plane ticket."

"Why would you go through all of this just for me to come back to you?"

"I don't want to leave you behind, I love you..."

"Taiga," you blushed as he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours gently. You clenched his shirt but slowly began to kiss back. He pulled back gently, and pulled you closer to him, making you lay your head on his chest.

"You mean the world to me, and I miss you a lot when I go back."

"You aren't gonna take no for an answer are you?"

"Nope." He had the goofy grin on his face and you sighed before pressing your lips to his.

"Fine, only because I love you too. I always end up feeling alone when you leave."

"Then it's settled, we should get you completely packed."

"Alright, alright..." You sat up and he smiled before helping you pack.

~time skip~

You walked off the plane and went to grab your luggage with his help. You were getting really nervous, but Taiga held your hand tightly in his.

"It's going to be okay."

"Yeah, I know. You are with me, so I feel a little better." He gave you a smile and grabbed your luggage before looking for his friends.

"Kagami!" You and Kagami turned your heads to see his friends waving. He cracked a small smile and led you to where they were.

"Who is this?"

"She is gorgeous."

"I wonder if she is single."

"She is my girlfriend, lay off. Her name is (L/N) (Y/N)..." He glared at his teammates and they all had their mouths wide open. This caused you to laugh slightly and he shook his head, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Hi, my name is Riko. I am the coach of the basketball team." You glanced at Taiga and he was talking with someone with blue hair.

"Taiga..." he turned to you and you stared at him.

"You said you would help me, I can't speak..."

"Oh right... sorry..." he turned to Riko.

"Sorry Riko, can you repeat that. She isn't good with Japanese yet."

"Oh its okay, yeah I was just introducing myself." he turned to you with a smile.

"(Y/N), this is Riko she is our coach. That's the captain Hyuga, the blue hair guy I was talking to is Kuroko. The guy over there has terrible puns his name is Izuki, that is Mitobe he is always silent. The guy next to him is Kogenai, and that is Kiyoshi. The monstrous dog right there is Tetsuya #2, he is named after Kuroko..."

"Oh hi..." you said bowing your head slightly and clung to Kagami's arm. Tetsuya #2 jumped out of Kuroko's arms and ran to you. That caused Kagami to jump back from you and you picked him. He began to lick your face causing you to giggle non stop.

"He likes her, how cute... looks like she is one of us..." Kiyoshi said and Riko nodded.

"Do you play basketball too?" Kuroko asked and Kagami answered for you.

"Yeah, she is actually better than me and Himuro... we have never been able to beat her."

"Seriously!?" You understood that and you figured Kagami told them about you playing basketball and you rubbed your neck.

"Well we need a manager if you are interested." This time Riko spoke in broken English and you understood.

"I would love too."


"We should go guys..." Hyuga said and everyone left the airport. You gave Kuroko Tetsuya 2 back, before holding Kagami's hand. You were still slightly nervous, you and Kagami fell behind everyone and he pressed a kiss to the top of your hand.

"People is already considering you part of the team. See you had nothing to worry about."

"I know, thank you." You pressed a kiss to his cheek with a smile. He couldn't wipe that grin off of his face, because he truly felt he was luck to have you.

"I am so lucky." He mumbled in Japanese and you looked at him confused but he waved it off.



"How do you say I love you in Japanese?"

"It's Aishitemasu..."



"No, I am saying Aishitemasu..."

"Watashi mo itoshite iru yo."


"I love you too."

"Oh..." you laughed softly and he shook his head. 

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