Kagami x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Confidence
No Warning:

Kagami couldn't keep his eyes off of you whenever you passed by. Every time you did, he would stop walking, playing basketball, or even eating just to stare. It often confused everyone until they realized that Kagami was in love. His crush on you only grew when he saw you outside of school, sporting shorts with fishnets, a fitted crop top that showed your stomach with no shame, your tattoos, and you on your skateboard.

He didn't realize he was attracted to girls like you until he met you. You weren't stupid, and knew that he always stopped and stared. At first it bothered you because typically people who stared at a problem, but you soon realized he was attracted to you. It shocked you honestly, but you used it against him which was fun. Now was no exception, he was with Aomine, Kuroko, and bunch of other people you didn't know. He didn't notice you, yet. But his basketball team did, and Riko, once your friends nudged him.



"Look who is here?"

"Hot damn, who is that chick? She has some serious bi~owe." Kagami punched Aomine, when he saw Aomine staring at your chest. You were with your friends but occasionally glanced at Kagami before sporting a smirk.

"He is staring at you again (Y/N)." One of your male friends said.

"I know, I am about to have fun."

"What are you about to do?"

"Just watch." You said and used your skateboard, and skated over to the group.

"Hey (Y/N)." Riko said with a smile and you waved.


"H-Hey (Y/N)..." Kagami said with a awkward smile rubbing his neck. Everyone that didn't know of Kagami's crush on you stared at him weirdly.

"Did he just... stutter?"

"He did..."

"Can't blame him, she is seriously hot."

"Hey Kag~"

"Call me Taiga... I mean you let me call you by your first name." He said and you grinned.

"Alright Taiga..." Taiga stiffened, as he adverted his eyes and you leaned close to his face.

"You were staring at me again..." You said in a teasing tone, and he looked away.

"I was not..."

"You were, and hit me." Aomine said, and you shot him a glance.

"By the way are you single?" He asked staring at you and Kagami was glaring holes at Aomine, and it wasn't long before a blonde was standing in front of you.

"My name is Kise, you are absolutely gorgeous...how about I take you on a date." Aomine and Kagami both adverted their glares to the blonde and you rolled your eyes.

"I don't date pretty boys. Plus I could probably break you... I am after all much heavier than the average girl." You said before turning to Kagami.

"Plus, I have my eyes on someone else entirely." You said and Kagami perked up a bit.


"Well yeah, after finally coming to the conclusion that you like me... I figured why not show you I was interested. Though I intended on teasing you some more, but these idiots ruined the mood." You said pointing to Aomine and Kise. Everyone snickered as Kise sulked slightly and Aomine huffed slightly.

"Let's go get hamburgers then...alone." Kagami said before turning to his team emphasizing the alone part.

"We get it, you don't want us to ruin your date."

"He shouldn't worry about us, chances are he will ruin it himself." Kuroko said bluntly, and was suddenly beside. You laughed but nearly jumped out of your skin and screamed when you realized he was beside you.

"What the hell? When did you get there?"

"I was here the entire time..." He said staring at you, you stared at Kagami and he shrugged.

"You get use to it..." You suddenly heard a bark, and you looked down.

"Awe, so cute..." You began to pet the blue eyed dog.

"You remind me of my puppy."

"He does?" Kagami asked and you nodded.

"Yeah, they could almost be twins. I found my puppu near my house, a couple months ago."

"Weird, that's when Tetsuya found Tetsuya #2."

"Tetsuya #2? You guys couldn't think of a better name?" You asked them, and they shrugged.

"They look alike."

"I mean yeah, but really?" There was another bark.

"What did you name yours?"

"His name is Prince, he is very high maintenance so it suits him."

"Kagami is scared of dogs, so I wonder how he would react around Prince." Kuroko said and Kagami glared at him.

"I am not...get him away from me." Kagami backed away when Kuroko held the dog to him. They all laughed and you laughed as well.

"Well, Prince doesn't like other males or male dogs. No one guy is allowed around me, not even my friends. He is slowly getting use to them though." You stood and glanced at Kagami.

"I am getting hungry now, are we getting burgers or what?"

"Yeah, lets go before they embarrass me anymore." Kagami said more to himself though, and you waved.

"See some of you in class." You said before picking up your skateboard and walking near Kagami. It was quiet, and you could tell Kagami was trying hard not to check you out.

"So, what part of me do you like?" You smirked as he turned red and looked away.

"All of you, personality, looks, everything."

"I am surprised, I thought you would go for the more petite skinnier girls."

"I- never thought about dating honestly. It was always basketball, but in class I realized I liked you, but seeing you outside of school as well was over. You are so confident, pretty, nice... I am rambling aren't I? I will shut up."

"Ugh, you handsome human being." You stood on your tippy toes and pressed your lips to his slightly. He wrapped his arms around your plushed waist and instantly kissed back. You pulled away, but he only held you closer. He was surprised but you didn't think anything of it.


"Too much?" You asked stepping way but he stopped you and slammed his lips on your again.

"Not enough." He mumbled slightly before squeezing your waist before his hands traveled lower a bit after parting from the kiss.

"Well then.."

"Be my girlfriend, please?"

"Of course." You said and he held your hand with a small smile.

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