Hanamiya x Reader

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Title: Love Always Find A Way 2/2
No warning: Hanamiya is slightly OOC but oh well.

Since the day you broke up with Hanamiya, he suffered heavily. His mother never seen him be the way he was, but if it was possible his basketball tactics became even more brutal. There wasn't a day that he didn't think about you, outside of practice and games he stayed in his room. Everyone knew something happened, because he was much more irritable.

It had been two years since that day, and he was still playing basketball in college. It was the only when he was playing that he felt your presence. He still loved you and swore if by chance if there was such a thing as fate, he wouldn't let you slip away. He would do everything that he never did then now. He just wanted to see you, in hope his mom was right.

You on the other hand, was okay without him. But you couldn't keep relationships because the ones you dated just didn't give you the same feeling Hanamiya did. You really did love him, you just couldn't handle it back then. You wondered how he was doing now that two years had passed. What you didn't expect was to end up going to the same University as him. When you saw him on the court, that is when you realized that you would be managing his basketball team. Your eyes trailed up and down his form and you felt your heart beat increase.

Hanamiya was shooting baskets during practice, but he could very much feel someone staring at him. He turned his head before his eyes trailed to yours. Both of yours eyes widen in shock and Hanamiya quickly looked away. He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, but they weren't. When he looked back at you, you had slight tears in your eyes, he quickly walked to you. You held the clipboard to your chest, luckily not many people were in the gym.

"(Y/N)..." You wrapped your arms around him, you never expected you would cry when seeing him. Yet here you were, you missed him a lot and he missed you just as much. He slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and held you to his chest running his hands through your hair.

"Hanamiya... I missed you..."

"I missed you too, so much."

"You probably hate me now..."

"I could never hate you," he cupped your cheeks making you look at him. He hesitated for a few moments before placing his lips on yours. You closed your eyes gently, and what you craved back in high school all came back to you. This was your guy's first kiss ever. He did it so effortlessly, and held you so gentle.

"I love you still, after all these years. I refused to date, because I wanted you. You are the only one I want. I promise, I will never make you feel anything less than what you deserve." He mumbled against your lips and you gripped his shirt.


"Of course, it's been hell for me without you. I knew everything you said was true, I couldn't blame anyone else but myself after losing you. If you will have me, I want a second chance. I want to spend my life with you (Y/N)..."

"Mako~ of course I will give you a second chance. I thought I was okay, but I did try to date but they never lasted. I wanted you, I missed you. Sometimes I wished I would have just stuck it out." You whispered as he placed his lips to your forehead.

"No, it's good that you broke up with me. I would have never learned if you stayed with me. Now I know how I should really treat you." He tightened his arms around you and you smiled.

"I love you Mako~more than anything."

"I love you too..."

"You should get back to practice..."

"Right, will you come home with me after practice?"

"Of course," he smiled a true smile. Not one that had him cocky but a genuine smile for once. You smiled back and went back to what you were doing waiting for practice to end.

After practice ended, Hanamiya went to the locker room and changed before coming out to meet with you. You waited patiently, and he held your hand which surprised you slightly. He kissed your cheek slightly before leading you to his home.

"Why do you look surprise?"

"I just-"

"Everything I neglected to do in High School, I am doing it now," you looked down with a smile.

"My mom missed you too..."

"I missed her as well," you leaned against him gently. It fell quiet as you both continued to walk, he tightened his grip on your hands with a small smile.

"This Saturday, make sure you dress up. I will be taking you out."

"We can just stay in and cuddle,"

"I want to go out," he opened the door and you nodded.

"Alright then..."

"Mom, I am home."

"Mako~ how was class and pra~ (Y/N)..."

"Hi Ms. Hanamiya...." she quickly hugged you and you returned it with a smile. She squeezed you a bit causing you to giggle.

"Are you two back together?"

"Yes, we are mom."

"I told you love always a finds a way didn't I?" He had a small tint to his cheeks as he rolled his eyes. Though he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Mom, can I have (Y/N) back now?"

"Oh right, hehe sorry. I will make you guys cookies..." she said and Makoto grabbed your hand before leading you to his bed room. There he fell on his back and pulled you on top of him to cuddle.

"Pretty clingy aren't ya?" You teased but he pinched your side slightly.

"Hush you..."

"Make me..." It was quiet and you realized that was the worst thing to say.

"Gladly." He placed his lips on yours and rolled you both over so he was hovering over you.

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