Kagami x Reader

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Title: Crushing on your Best Friend
No Warning

You, Taiga and Tatsuya had been friends for a long time. So when they left for Japan at different times, you felt alone. it had been a long while since you had seen them. So when your school offered you a chance to move to Japan as a transfer student, you instantly agreed. Now, here you were making your way to the basketball tournament. You knew it was today because Taiga and Tatsuya would always tell you when they had games. You had every intention of surprising him, but you didn't expect to see Tatsuya there. But it made sense, since they were brothers and what not.

Tatsuya must have felt you staring at him because he turned his head to you. His eyes widen as he broke out into a smile. A tall guy with purple hair looked at him confused before looking over at you.

"(Y/N)...." He picked you up and hugged you tightly, serveral other people turned and stared at you.

"Man she is hot."

"Look at her rack."

"Is Tatsuya her boyfriend." You blushed a bright red, and began to get nervous. Tatsuya shot them a glare and shook his head slightly.

"She is like my younger sister, now shut up." Everyone shuddered at the glare before and got quiet before he turned back to you.

"What are you doing here in Japan?"

"Well, my school offered me a chance to be a transfer student. Since I felt so alone after you and Taiga left, I instantly accepted." You looked down and Tatsuya nodded his head in understanding.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you feel alone." He said patting your head and you smiled up.

"It's okay."

"What school will you be attending?"


"Darn I was hoping you would say Yoshen. Does Taiga know?"

"No, not yet. I was going to surprise him and sorry Tatsuya I didn't get a choice..."

"I know and it's not your fault so don't apologize. Plus you will be with Taiga." He smirked at you, and your face turned a bright red that it almost glowed.

"Dude, Tatsuya I think you broke her." The purple hair guy said and Tatsuya only laugh.

"Don't go there Tatsuya!" You huffed hiding your face and Tatsuya laughed softly.

"Sorry, I had to tease you. It's been so long. By the way this is Murasakibara, Murasakibara this is (Y/N) a long time friend of mine adn Taiga's."

"It's nice to meet you... do you have any snacks?" He asked and you blinked and Tatsuya sighed softly but you nodded reaching in your suit case and handed him a bag of chips.

"I don't need them."

"Thanks, you are officially my best friend." He said and you smiled slightly.

"It's no problem."

"Anyway, the game is almost over. When it's over I can take you to Taiga."

"Yes please, I almost got lost in here."

"Alright." He smiled softly and the three of you went back to watching the game with Seirin winning the game. When it was over, Tatsuya gently took your hand and led you to the back where Taiga would be. When you guys got close enough, Tatsuya put you behind him before calling out to Taiga and the team.

"Taiga..." Taiga turned around and saw Tatsuya .

"Yeah, what's up?" He had his head tilted, confused as to why Tatsuya called him like this.

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