Kuroko x Reader

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Title: Perfect
No Warning

You stood in front of the camera pulling at the skirt you were wearing. You hated wearing skirts because you felt like it didn't suit you right. It could have been because of your stomach that you hated, or the fact the dress showed a lot of thighs. You squirmed before sighing as you walked out of the girl's bathroom.

You kept tugging the skirt down because it felt way too short. They didn't have your size, so they had to go down a size, and it was a really tight fit. All the guys turned to you and you felt your face heat up. You hugged your books to your chest, wishing you could disappear easily. Too bad, your presence was way to demanding even if you didn't want it to be.

You slipped into the classroom, and sat beside a guy with light blue hair. You knew his name to be Kuroko just because he showed you the office that morning. You kept your head down and began drawing in your notebook. Kagami turned back to look at you before blushing and turned around.

"(L/N) san~ here..." Kuroko gave you his jacket, which surprisingly fit you, maybe because he was taller than you.


"Your shirt is really tight, it's almost see through." He said bluntly and you turned a dark shade of red and placed his jacket on. His eyes lingered on you as you thanked him without meeting his eyes. When class started you both focused on the topics ahead, though your mind was racing. You noticed Kuroko would often look at you before turning back to his notebook. When it was time for lunch he would go with Kagami, leaving you at your seat.

You felt alone since you didn't have many friends. You pulled your lunch out but you heard whispers about you. You ended up losing your appetite until you felt someone pick you up and grabbed your lunch. You let a squeal out and began hitting the person's back.

"Put me down."

"You didn't follow us to the roof."

"What?" You realized it was Kagami and he looked at you.

"We thought it was given you would be eating with us, after all you are our friend. At least that was what Kuroko said."

"We just met this morning."

"Well, you are still a friend." He said and you squirmed trying to get out of his hold.

"Put me down, I am heavy." You said just as he reached the roof. Kuroko heard you say that and tilted his head.

"Is she heavy Kagami?"

"No, I don't know what she is on about."

"But..." He placed you on your feet and sat down. You sat down as well as he placed your lunch in front of you.


"I am not hungry."

"You should eat (Y/N), it will make you weak if you don't eat."

"I said I am not hungry~" you repeated and Kuroko stared at you with his eyes that made you shudder. You slowly began to eat, and he went back to eating. It was quiet and Kagami could feel the tension between you and Kuroko.

"So, I gotta go do something. You two uh enjoy." He left quickly with his food and you looked at him confused as he left the roof. You turned to Kuroko and you jumped back when you realized how close he was.

"How, when..."

"I just got here... I wanted to be closer to you..." He said and stroked your hair out of your face.

"You are really pretty. I think I like you a lot." Kuroko once again stated and you blushed but looked down.

"Don't say things like that."

"Why not? It's the truth."

"It's not, I am not that pretty. I am really chubby, I should lose weight."

"No, I like the way you look. Plus you look really soft to cuddle."

"Huh?" He wrapped his arms tightly around you and you slowly hugged back with a small blush.

"Really really soft. I rather hug someone soft then someone hard."

"Don't say that, it sounds weird."

"...." He stayed quiet but buried his face in your chest, not being a pervert but just to enjoy the softness of you.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I- yeah I would love too." He sat back down and pointed to your food.

"Now eat."


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