Aomine x Reader

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Title: Stupid Letter
No Warning:

Aomine would have never admitted but he had a huge crush on you. He was pretty confident and cocky in just about everything, everything except you. You and Aomine never really talked, because he often skipped classes, and practice. When he knew you were going to practice he would make an appearance, but he seemed to almost always miss you when you went to their practices.

He thought he hid it well but his teammates could see right through him. Considering the days he did come to practice, he knew for a fact you were there. When you leave, he would also leave. Momoi was cooking up a plan that would help her close friend confess to his crush.

"(L/N)~" you turned to see her and flashed her a bright smile.

"What's up Momoi?"

"I don't need you to come to practice, but I was wondering if you could drop something off to Dai~chan for me."

"Sure, what is it?"

"This, don't tell him its from me though," she handed you a letter and you blinked before shrugging.

"Okay, where is he normally?"

"The roof top."

"Alright, see you tomorrow."

"See ya~" she sung before going to the gym, you shook your head and made your way to the roof top. Once you opened the door, it almost slammed shut but you caught it and closed it slowly.

"Momoi, I told you I am not going to practice."

"Oh sorry, I am not Momoi~Aomine," upon hearing your voice he shot up from his spot his magazine falling to the ground.

"(L/N), what are you doing up here?"

"Uhm, giving you this," you handed him the letter. You didn't get to read it but you kinda wished you did. Aomine was blushing a bit so you got close enough and looked at the letter. He quickly jerked the letter away, and his cocky smirk turned to you.

"What?" You asked kinda concerned, his smirk only widened but he was still blushing.


"Really what?"

"You know what's in the letter."


"Fine, I will read it out loud," he held the letter and cleared his throat.

"Dear Aomine,

I just want to let you know, that I really really like you. I love watching you play basketball, and even think that you are really hot. I understand we don't always talk, in fact we haven't had a literal conversation but I hope you accept my feelings.



"... I am gonna kill her..."

"Kill who?"

"Momoi... she wrote that, I was just delivering it like she asked."

"...Oh... I see. So you don't like me?" He asked, his smirk was no longer there and he was frowning slightly.

"Well, I-I uhm,"

"I like you, a lot." He suddenly confessed, you blushed slightly.

"You like me?" You asked and he rubbed his neck before looking off to the side.

"Yeah, it's whatever if you don't like me though."

"No I- even though I am not the one who wrote that letter, Momoi took everything I said about you and put it into that letter. So I do like you, I just didn't know you liked me back. So I was gonna bury it deep down," you looked down and he walked to you cupping your face. You blinked slightly and met his eyes before his lips connected with yours and you gasped softly. You gripped his shirt as he moved his lips against yours gently, he moved his hands from your face to your waist and held you closer to him.

You smiled into the kiss as he held you to him, and the kiss only deepened when you tilted your head to the side. You sighed softly as he parted from the kiss and leaned his forehead against yours.

"You don't understand how long I have been wanting to do that," he mumbled and you laughed softly.

"I am curious..."

"Since the beginning of this year, when I first saw you."

"Really?" You were surprised and he nodded his head slightly.

"You should have told me sooner, had me going crazy."

"Sorry, you were the only person I wasn't confident in. I didn't know if you would return my feelings. You seemed so unapproachable, so I just admired from afar."

"That's hard to believe, but sweet," you said and stood up and kissed his lips again. He smiled before pulling you to sit in his lap. You cuddled into his chest and he laid his head on top of yours with a small smile.

"So I can finally call you my boyfriend now right?"

"Of course, you aren't dating anyone else. Mine." He mumbled against your hair which caused you to laugh.


"Your dork,"

"So cheesy."

"Shut up, don't ruin the moment."

"So mean, but alright."

"... So you think I am hot when I play basketball?"

"Don't start," you glared at him and he was smirking.

"What? I just want to know..."

"Yes very hot."

"Good to know."

"I might not kill Momoi about that stupid letter, this worked out better then she probably thought."

"Yeah, no kidding."

"I would have made it more cheesy and romantic though. She sucks at writing love letters."

"Yeah, as bad as her cooking."

"Be nice, she is slowly getting better. I been teaching her."

"Yeah still..."

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