Kuroko x Reader

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Title: Invisible 1/2
No Warning:

You watched as Kuroko smiled slightly at Momoi, you knew he had feelings for her. It wasn't fair because you couldn't compete with her for Kuroko's attention. Mainly, because Momoi would often say they are dating. All you wanted was for him to look at you the way he did her. His eyes always had a light in them. when he looked at her.

Only if he knew how badly you wanted him the way he wanted her. You pulled your legs to your chest as you sat in the stands. You buried your face in them letting a small sigh out. You wondered why you had to be more invisible then him on the court. You hated it so much. You felt some tears brim your eyes, but they quickly dried when you felt a large hand be placed on your head.

You looked up to see Kagami, and the rest of the basketball team. They knew of your feelings for the light blue haired male, and they felt bad. They didn't say anything though, because they knew nothing they would say would change your situation. You glanced back at your crush and his crush.

"Doing this to yourself won't change anything (Y/N)..." Kagami said and you glanced back at him.

"I-I know..."

"You are only hurting yourself..." Riko said patting your shoulder. You knew they were right, but you didn't know what to do. You were stuck in the friend zone, with him.

"What else am I suppose to do?" You asked looking down.

"Move on..." Junpei said sort of bluntly not meaning to though.

"I can't, we have every class together. The only thing I can think of to work is if I moved away. But I don't have any other family here in Japan. I would have to move all the way to America." You said, and they looked at each other. None of them liked the idea, but it was a idea that could work. A small vacation.

"How about you take a small vacation back..." Kiyoshi said and you thought about it for a moment.

"That...could actually work." You said laying your head back on your knees, looking at the two before at them.

"If I do though, you guys can't tell him."

"We won't. We will just say you left without telling us...until it was too late."

"Okay..." You took a deep breath and got up from your seat.

After packing everything, you made your way to the airport. Only a few members of the basketball team saw you off, because the others were busy.

"Be safe, and message us when you landed." Kagami said and you nodded.

"I will thank you." You said with a smile, and hugged him. He hugged you back, before hugging Riko, Kiyoshi and Junpei.

"Bring us back a souviner." Kiyoshi joked and you laughed.

"Alright..." You said before boarding your plane and waved to them. Once your plane took off, they all went to practice.

The next day at practice Kuroko realized that you weren't there today. He looked around because he was hoping to hang out with you today. You were after all his best friend.

"Hey have you seen (Y/N)~san?" Kuroko asked causing Kagami to jump slightly from the sudden appearance.

"Damn, how is it you can still do that? How long have you been there?" He grumbled.

"I was here the entire time."

"Oh... I see."

"Have you seen (Y/N)?"

"Mmm... no." Kagami lied, but Riko looked at her phone.

"Hey (Y/N), just message me... she landed..."

"Landed?" Kuroko was confused and Kuroko looked at the team.

"Yeah, apparently she decided to go back to America."

"Why?" It was silent, they knew they shouldn't say anything so they just shrugged.

"Just a vacation, we don't know when she is coming back." Riko said which wasn't a lie. They forgot to ask when you would return.

"Oh... I see..." Kuroko felt a bit down that you didn't tell him. Practice went on normal, and when they had their break, he decided to message you.
To: (Y/N)
From: Kuroko
'Hey, I heard you went to America. Why didn't you tell me? I hope your flight was comfortable.'

You looked at your phone and read the message, you were tempted to respond but you didn't, leaving him on read. Kuroko frowned at his phone, wondering why you didn't respond to him. He shoved his phone in his pocket, in hopes that you will message back later.

You were in America for a few months, and you had honestly recovered. Sure it was hard at first, especially since he messaged you every day and not a single time did you reply. You felt bad, but it needed to be done so you could move on. Your plane had landed in Japan, and when you walked and grabbed your luggage. You felt someone lift you off of the ground. You squealed as you were hugged.

"Welcome back..." Kagami said with a smile and you turned back smiling back.

"Oh you didn't have to come..."

"Everyone did..." He said taking your suit case and led you to the others. Everyone was there, including Kuroko who seemed a bit off.

"(Y/N), how was your trip?" Kiyoshi asked and you hugged him.

"It was great, good to see some old friends, family. Apparently, I came at the right time because there was a family reunion." You said laughing softly, causing the others to laugh.

"Are you feeling better?" Riko asked not saying anymore but you knew what she was talking about.

"Yes, it was something that I needed." You flashed a true smile and Junpei patted your head slightly. Kuroko made his way to you and hugged you tightly.

"You didn't message me at all." He said and you awkwardly hugged him back.

"Uhm, yeah. I tried to stay away from my phone. Unless I was giving updates about how I was doing."

"I asked..."

"Yeah sorry..." You said pulling from the hug, he could tell something was up and that you were hiding something. He didn't press it though, he would ask when you guys were alone.

"Can we hang out later?" He asked and you rubbed your neck.

"I actually have to unpack..."

"I can help."

"She is probably tired." Kiyoshi said coming to your rescue and you nodded.

"Yeah, I may just grab a burger before crashing after I unpack. Assuming I make it that far." You said as you guys left the airport. Kuroko fell to the back of the group as he watched you hand out souvenirs to everyone. Kagami noticed the way he looked at you and fell in step with him.

"What do you think about (Y/N)?" He asked and Kuroko looked up at his best friend.

"She is my best friend..."

"Is she?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You feel nothing else for her?"

"No... why would I?"

"Then, why are you doing this to her?" Kagami stared at Kuroko and Kuroko was slightly confused.

"Worrying about her? Why wouldn't I worry? She is hiding something and I can't understand why."

"Maybe it's something you aren't meant to know. But you should give (Y/N) some space."

"I- don't understand."

"Trust me, she will go back to being less awkward around you once you give her some space."

"Okay." Kuroko nodded slightly as he watched you. What he didn't know, is his feelings for you were more than just friendship based. 

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