Okamura x Reader

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Title: Honesty
Warning: Low Self-Esteem

You were currently cuddling with your best friend, Okamura. He had the weekend off for practice so that you could spend time together. These were your favorite moments because you guys would normally just stay inside. On top of everything, your family loved Okamura to death and trusted him with you.

Right now, his arms were wrapped around your waist, and your head was on his chest. He had his face buried in your hair, and you both just stayed like that in silence. That was until he broke it.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

"What's up?" You looked up at him, and he had a small blush on his cheeks. You blinked, slightly confused, and he took a deep breath.

"I want your honest opinion, don't be nice about it. I want your god honest opinion, okay?"

"Okay... what have you so bothered?"

"Am I that ugly and unloveable?"

You blinked once. Twice. Three times before, his question registered through your head.

"What are you talking about? Of course not. Who said that?"

"Are you just saying that because you are my best friend?" He asked, and you sat up, and he followed your actions.

"Of course not; I mean it. You are not ugly or unloveable," you cupped his cheeks. You knew his self-esteem was low, but here lately, you realized it had gotten worst.

Okamura avoided your gaze, and you made him look up at you. You had a secret you never told anyone, but you figured now would be the best time to tell him. He had to know; you just hoped he didn't make things weird afterward.

"Why is it girls don't like me then? Even you, I mean we are best friends. But that is all I will ever be, right? There is no hope in me dating you, or anyone for that matter."

"What? Where is this coming from?" He chewed on his bottom lip, and you were so tempted to kiss him.

"Truth is (Y/N), I realized maybe a couple of months ago that I was in love with my best friend. So I went to my basketball team, and they all pretty much said the same thing as always: I have no chance with you, that I will always be just the best friends. Nothing more. It makes sense, though. I mean, you are gorgeous and can have any guy. I mean, even Himuro likes you. Why would you want me when you can have him."

"Kenichi, can you shut up for a moment? I hate it when you talk bad about yourself. That is all negative things coming from your mouth. Why would you go to them? They don't know me or my type. The truth is I do like you; I have for a long time. For the past few years. Middle School even. I was just scared I would end up ruining our friendship. So I kept it to myself, especially since you were looking for girlfriends outside of me. So I figured you only saw me as a family member. I love you, okay. I always have, and always will," you said. His eyes widen at your confession. You took it one step further and pressed your lips to his, and wrapped your arms around his neck. He instantly held you tightly to his chest but was careful not to hurt you.

You both let a small sigh escape your lips, and you parted just enough to whisper the words again.

"I love you so much, Kenichi."

"(Y/N)... I-I do love you too," he met your eyes. You smiled, and he sat you in his lap before kissing you again. You returned the kiss, and your hands ran through his hair slightly. He nibbled on your bottom lip gently before you allowed entrance. He took his time exploring your warm and wet cavern. You let a small moan escape, and you both parted quickly, having a blush cover your cheeks.


"It's okay; I just wasn't expecting it. I like the sound, though," Okamura said. He pressed small kisses to your neck before nuzzling you.

"So we are dating, right, Kenichi?"

"Yeah, if you want to," he said. You showered his face in small pecks giggling nonstop.

"Of course, I want to. You dork..."

He laid back on the bed and kissed your head, and you curled into him. You both were content with everything, and it was by far the best lazy day ever.

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