Himuro x Reader

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Title: Friend Zoned Unintentionally
No Warning

Himuro was known for having a herd of girls surrounding him, confessing their love to him. Every time he would kindly reject, and no one really knew why. No one knew besides Kagami, but Kagami never told anyone. The reason he always rejected every girl was because he was already in love. In love with you. Himuro couldn't even remember when he started developing feelings for you. It felt like they were always there.

He never acted on his feelings, because every time he tried you would unintentionally friend zone him. He had gotten use to it, but it didn't stop him from wanting to call you his girlfriend. Every time he saw you, he would smile and even stop playing basketball if you were around. Well, as long as it wasn't a game he would stop.

Right now, you were talking with Murasakibara, the purple haired giant. You were giving him sweets as you both talked, which Himuro tried not to be jealous. He really tried, but he couldn't help it.

"Tatsuya! Do you want some?" You asked holding out a candy bar to him, and he walked over and took it.

"Thank you (Y/N)," he smiled. You flashed him a wide smile before turning away from him when someone called your name. Himuro fought back a small blush but couldn't help but smile.

"(Y/N)~chin, did you know Himuro~chin is in love with someone?" That caught your attention and Himuro's eyes widen slightly.

'How did he find out?'

"Really? That is news to me. Who is the lucky girl?" You asked nudging him and he cleared his throat.

'You.' Is what he wanted to say but Himuro decided a more subtle approach.

"Someone very special."

"Do I know her... or him?"

"Him?" Himuro asked confused and you grinned.

"I don't know man, I can totally see you being in love with K~" Himuro covered your mouth shaking your head.

"Don't dare say it, I am not in love with him. He is like a brother to me." He removed his hand and you pouted.

"Are you sure? You and Kagami, I can see it."

"(Y/N)..." He sighed softly, and looked at you with a raised eyebrow.


"I don't like him like that..."

"Darn, the ship has~"

"I am in love with you." Himuro said quickly and Murasakibara slowly backed away realizing this was not a place for him.

"You are what?" Your eyes had widened, and Himuro mentally cursed. He didn't mean to say it out loud.

"I mean... I can..." For once he was actually at a lost of words.

"Sorry... Forget what I said..." He said and turned away from you. You grabbed his wrist.

"I think we should talk about this."

"I don't think we should, it would only strain our friendship. Something I don't want."


"It's okay, I know you see me as a friend."

"Tatsuya... listen to me."

"(Y/N)," he turned to you but you leaned up and pressed your lips to his. He blinked in shock before closing his eyes and relaxed against you.

"I like you too, a lot." You said and he blinked before smiling and cupped your face. He pressed his lips to yours again and deepened the kiss. You gripped his jacket before wrapping your arms around his neck,

"I love you so much Tatsuya." You mumbled against his lips.

"How long?" He asked and you pulled back to stare at his steely gray eyes.

"Since we were younger kids..."

"My feelings lasted the same. I feel silly now I should have confessed a long time ago." He said and you laughed nodding your head.

"Yeah, no kidding dork."

"To be fair, you unintentionally friend zoned me."

"No I didn't..."

"Yes you did, saying things like 'you are the best friend a girl could ask for' or 'being friends with you makes everything so much easier' I tried confessing but you would always say those things."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's okay, would you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, I would love too." You hugged him tightly to you and sighed happily. He tightened his arms around you and nuzzled his face in your hair.

"Well Kagami and Alex can now leave me alone about confessing." He whispered and you laughed.

"Same, they wouldn't stop or leave me alone." You said and he pulled his phone out.

"Shall we take a picture to show them?"

"Yes..." He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and you pulled him to you. You pressed your lips to his and he snapped a photo. You giggled softly as you looked at the photo and looked at him.

"Send it to me... I want it on my lock screen."

"MM okay." He sent it to you, Kagami and Alex. Kagami and Alex only sent one reply.
To group chat:
From: Alex and Kagami

You giggled at their messages and leaned against Himuro.

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