Murasakibara x Reader

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Title: Man Child
No Warning

    You had a bag of snacks, when you were walking out of the grocery store. You had long ran out because of the excessive studying and late night snacks. So you obviously had to buy more not only for midnight snacks but for lunches as well. You had no idea though, that carrying a bag of snacks would have made you a target for a certain purple haired giant. You didn't think anything of it at first, but then started to walk beside you. You could feel his stare on you, or maybe your snacks. You couldn't tell but it scared you.
"Can I help you?"
"Can I have a snack?"
"Excuse me?"
"I am hungry," You blinked slightly as he tried to reach for a snack, and you quickly jerked the bags away from him.
"No, I don't know you. Quit following me, it's weird."
"No, quit following me," He began to pout like he was a child and kept following you. You were getting slightly creeped out, on a normal day you would have thought he was cute. Not today, considering he was literally following you.You did the only thing you could think of and called your best friend.
"Uh, Kagami. Where are you?"
"At the park playing basketball..."
"Which park?"
"The one near my house, why? Is everything okay?"
"No, a giant guy is following me. I am getting really scared."
"Is he by you now?"
"Yes, and he won't stop staring at me!"
"Giant guy?"
"Yes..." Suddenly the phone was taken away and you recognized the voice.
"Does he have purple hair?"
"Oh hey Tatsuya... yes"
"Are you by chance carrying snacks?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"It's Murasakibara, he is harmless. He is part of my team, just give him one snack, I will pay you back."
"O....kay...." You dug in your back and handed him a bag of chips and he perked up taking them.
"Thank you!" You stared at him weirdly.
"Am I safe?" You asked into the phone.
"Yeah, come to the court and drag him with you if you can."
"I don't think I have to worry, he is still following me."
"Thanks." He hung up and you looked up at the tall giant.
"You know Muro-chin?"
"Uh, yes. He is a close friend of mine, from back in LA."
"Oh... I am Murasakibara Atsushi... What is your name?"
"(L/N) (Y/N)..."
"(L/N)-chin...thank you for the snacks..."
"Sure..." It fell quiet and he continued to follow you, you did feel a bit more comfortable around the giant.
"(L/N)-chin, let's hang out today."
"Eh? Why?" You looked up at him but he wasn't even looking at you. You were confused but he didn't say anything else.
"Anyway, I can't. Tatsuya told me to bring you to the basketball court, he is going to pay me for the snacks I gave yo~hey," he had stolen more snacks from your bag after he finished his chips causing you to groan.
"Spend time with me." He munched on the pocky he stole.
"I just told you I can't."
"But, I want to spend time with you."
"Why? You don't know me."
"We can get to know each other." He was pouting again,and you couldn't help but roll your eyes.
"What are you a child?'
"No..." He said and you groaned.
"Anyway, here we are... Tatsuya! Taiga!" Taiga came up to you and picked you up and spun you around causing you to laugh.
"Hey there..."
"It's been awhile," he set you down and smiled. You didn't notice but Murasakibara had his cheeks puffed out as you were now focused on your friend.
"It has, I missed you and Tatsuya."
"Missed you too (Y/N), how much do I owe you?" He asked and you looked at him before waving it off.
"I will let it accumulate so you don't have to pay me right now." He cracked a smile and shook his head.
"Well here is your man child, I am going home. I have to clean and study."
"Can we come over later?" Taiga asked and you thought for a moment.
"I can't, maybe next time." Tatsuya said.
"Alright, well you can Taiga..."
"What about me?" You ignored the giant's question and waved.
"See ya later Taiga..." You left and Murasakibara watched you leave with a small pout. He began to follow you and Tatsuya and Taiga sweat dropped.
"Where are you going?"
"I am going with her..."
"What no you aren't, stay." You narrowed your eyes at him shaking your head sighing before leaving. He stayed pouting more, before following you from afar. Taiga and Tatsuya stared blankly at him as he continued to follow you which you didn't notice.
"He likes her." Tatsuya said and Taiga shook his head.
"She has no idea..."
"She never does." Murasakibara stayed far behind so you wouldn't notice him. He felt like a lost puppy, just wanting attention from his human best friend. When you arrived at your house, you unlocked the door and went in closing the door behind you. You sighed softly and set the bags on the table.
"He is seriously like a puppy, cute but ugh..." You mumbled as you put everything away. Not even ten minutes later you heard the doorbell.
"Taiga is early... wait... don't tell me..." You walked to the door and looked out the peek whole, to see none other than the purple hair giant.You groaned and opened the door, and stared at him.
"I told you to stay."
"But, I wanted to be with you..."
"What the heck? You barely know me, why are you following me around like a puppy or a child?" He shrugged slightly looking down, he wanted your attention to become closer to you.
"Can I come in?"
"Go back to Taiga and Tatsuya, or go home."
"I live too far away, and I want to stay."
"Why are you so stubborn?" He shrugged and you crossed your arms.
"Go. Away." You closed the door in his face, and locked it. You went back to the kitchen, but suddenly the power went out and it began to storm. You squealed out when the power went out, then you heard knocking on your door.
"(L/N)-chin? Can I come in? It's storming and cold out..." You saw lightning and jumped slightly.
You quickly opened the door to see him with wet hair and his cheeks puffed out. You quickly pulled him in, and locked the door. You jumped again at the sound of the thunder. You crouched in front of the door holding your ears.
You really hated storms, they scared you. Murasakibara blinked and stared down at you before picking you up and carrying you to the living room.
"P-Put me down," You stumbled but he sat on the couch and wrapped his arms around your waist securing you to his chest. You blushed slightly and he placed his chin on your head.Despite getting off the wrong foot, you had to admit you felt safe around the giant.
"(L/N)-chin, it's good I followed you..."
"I guess, still weird." Your phone began to ring and he grabbed it easily with his long arms before handing it to you.
"Do you need me to come over?"
"I can't ask you that, this storm is terrible."
"I don't mind..."
"I will be fine Taiga, I have a giant here with me."
"His name is Murasakibara... is he willing to stay the entire time?"
"Uh..." You glanced at him and he took the phone.
"Oh Murasakibara, hmm okay... thanks." He handed you your phone back and Murasakibara wrapped his arms tightly around your waist holding you close.
"I will call you later..." Taiga said and you smiled.
"Alright bye." You hung up and placed the phone on the couch. You leaned into Murasakibara, and slowly began to fall asleep. Typically you wouldn't have since you didn't know him, but Taiga and Tatsuya both knew him, and you trusted them both.
"I am hungry..." Okay you did not trust him around your food.
"Sorry, I can't cook, the power is out. Everything is electric, including my stove..."
"...." You sighed before getting up but he didn't let you go, instead he picked you up and walked to the kitchen.
"I can walk."
"I like carrying you."
"You ask a lot of questions."
"You eat a lot."
"Fair point... I like (L/N)-chin, so I want to make sure you are okay."
"How can you like me when we barely know each other?" He shrugged slightly, since you both were in the dark your eyes had adjusted. You could tell he was staring at you then the snacks contemplating if he can carry you and the snacks.
"Put me down doofus."
"Put me down." He set you down and grabbed the snacks and you grabbed a bag of (favorite chips). You grabbed your phone and made your way to your room, with Murasakibara following behind you. You laid on your bed, and he did the same, placing his head on your lap. You looked at him confused but he ignored it and continued munching on his chips.
"(Y/N)-chin, you are really pretty," he said, staring at your face. Heat radiated off of your face, and for once you were glad it was dark.
"Uh, thanks..." You heard him set his snacks down and adjusted himself. He then buried his face into your stomach. Your hand began to run through his purple hair and he sighed softly. You set the chips down and stared at the wall, when he wasn't being weird he was actually pretty sweet. He was actually really cute as well. You felt him stir and you glanced at him, he got in front of your face and placed a small kiss to your lips. You gasped and froze and he placed his hand behind your head so you wouldn't move away. After a few minutes he pulled away and nuzzled his face into your shoulder.
"W-What was that for?"
"I like you."
"You can't like me, we literally just met..."
"Mm so I should wait to date (Y/N)-chin then?"
"Yes, wait I didn't agree to date you."
"(Y/N)-chin just said yes though."
"I-" He went back to eating and you sighed softly.
"Fine, but we have to actually get to know each other first."

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